Lost Season 4

lol I don't have internet for 2 days and I have 3 pages I am behind in.
Okay first of all...


Daniel said that you can't change the future from the past. BUT in the past (the first past) Daniel had no idea who he was until he got to the island. But in the second "past" Desmond visited him and his future journal changed. (The journal he had on the island, in the first past Daniel didn't have a page in his Journal saying. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY USE DESMOND HUE AS MY CONSTANT. BUT once Desmond visited Daniel in 1996 the Journal had a new page in it, a page saying: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY USE DESMOND HUE AS MY CONSTANT.

Second: Desmond experienced something kinda like shock, and in order for him to stay grounded he needed something, some tiny thing to keep him in the Present. He needed Penny (something familiar to him, something he knew from his past to tell him what was real and what was this past he fabricated).

Thirdly: Was it just me or did Desmonds "past" seem more a dream than what really happened? If it was a dream then how did Daniels Journal change?

Forth Point: Hurley was addicted to gambling, he would gamble every lottery.

Fifth Point: The Island has a completely different time thing... Time passes a hell of a lot faster there than the rest of the world. Even though it may not seem like it to the Islanders it is.

Sixth Point: Locke referred to who he saw at the cabin and who was instructing him as an "Older Walt". So it could be some other kid who looks like Walt but is older running around the Island. Or like Marioman said an illusion of the Island... More specifically the guy the lives in the cabin (forgot his name) is creating the illusion of Walt to give Locke someone to focus his attention on while he was instructing him.

I think I am done now, lol.
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  • #257
^haha nice just a couple things...that couldn't of been a dream bcause then there would be no way it would change the future...and about Hurley gambling? What makes you say that? Also...I had that time discrepancy idea first and no one wanted to believe it :wink:
Time couldn't travel faster on the island. That adds too much variability that does not make sense after watching the show.

Quick example: The men's facial hair would grow at a very quick rate.
no, it doesnt pass faster, it just is at a different time. once they pass a certain area in the ocean, they are in another time period.
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  • #260

Transam317 said:
How can you say i am going only by my opion i Gave you a good example a Fact so you cant say my thought are opinions because there is evidence to back me up

When you think of one Illusion on the island that someone has had and that person is still alive then you come talk

Here are some good examples...In season 2, Kate saw a black horse, this doesn't mean that the horse was alive but shows that the Illusions can be other than human. Second, Hurley saw his imaginary friend, the one that lost the slipper. He was neither dead nor leaving so how do you explain that? Lastly, and most importantly, Shanon (right before she died) saw a vision of Walt, he was all wet too for some odd reason...but anyway we learn form later on in the season walt is not dead. There's your proof right there.
LevesqueIsKing said:
Here's a topic:

Walt, dead or alive? Did Locke see him, or was it the island?
Locke seeing Walt could have had something to do with the time travel. Walt seemed quite a bit older from what I remember, so the island could have jumped forward in time or something.
Like Marioman said there are shi* loads of illusions on the island, Jacks father for one. (lol I just thought of that as I was reading and I wanted to say it.)
Marioman said:

Here are some good examples...In season 2, Kate saw a black horse, this doesn't mean that the horse was alive but shows that the Illusions can be other than human. Second, Hurley saw his imaginary friend, the one that lost the slipper. He was neither dead nor leaving so how do you explain that? Lastly, and most importantly, Shanon (right before she died) saw a vision of Walt, he was all wet too for some odd reason...but anyway we learn form later on in the season walt is not dead. There's your proof right there.
Well that really doesnt prove your point or prove mine. Who know it is probably everyone hilusinating{not sure how to spell} iimagine things. like isaid earlier everyone is going crazy ex.jack.
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  • #264
Sorry but the last one does prove my point...Shanon saw Walt...which was not actually Walt...it was an Illusion...we find later that Walt is still alive...proving my point :)
Marioman said:
Sorry but the last one does prove my point...Shanon saw Walt...which was not actually Walt...it was an Illusion...we find later that Walt is still alive...proving my point :)
Okay this is pointless so It could be the island playing tricks on the surviver but it could also be the people hallucinating or them seeing mirages. We will just have to wait and see whats up.
Great episode.

I think that Penny's dad has a major role in Lost. I think he could be behind the company out to get Ben. There must be some relevance with him being so eager to buy the journal from The Black Rock.

I think that Desmond is pretty much cured, but something to do with constants is bound to come up again, probably with Dan after what happened at the end. Desmond's entire [previous] story has probably been told, because everything involving him was to do with Penny and the photo, but that's been tied up now I think. His new personal storyline will involve how Penny attempts to find him, and anything to do with being Dan's constant.

After that episode, can we say that they actually changed the past? I'm assuming that Desmond didn't originally do those things (go to Oxford, meet younger Dan, get Penny's number, etc), but he instead travelled back in time (to his younger self) and changed what happened. You see, I was wondering what originally caused Desmond to be dishonourably discharged, he was probably dishonourably discharged in the 'changed' past after his altered actions (Oxford, Penny).

I love the number relations though that someone mentioned. I just love it when they throw in past references.

And that's all that I can think of at the moment.
Does anyone ever think that the producers of lost just make up things as they go? Who would of everr thought that they planned to have a guy travelling to the future and past or how people that travel to and from the island start to just between the past and future.

I dont think they thought about that all the way back in season one
TransAm317 said:
Does anyone ever think that the producers of lost just make up things as they go? Who would of everr thought that they planned to have a guy travelling to the future and past or how people that travel to and from the island start to just between the past and future.

I dont think they thought about that all the way back in season one

Don't be so sure. They said from the start they have explanations for dealing with the actor playing Walt growing up - weird time changes would be about the only thing that would work.
They've also said that there will be an explanation of the two skeletons found in the caves way back in season 1 that will make you realize that they did have it all planned out all along.
Some minor things change here and there or get fleshed out a little different (for example Ben was not originally going to be the leader of the Others, but they liked the actor so much that they tweaked the story a bit), but they do claim have the overall story, with all the major plot points, all plotted out from the start. Obviously they can't prove that claim without spoiling the whole show, but once the show is all wrapped up, maybe they'll release their original story outline.
TransAm317 said:
Does anyone ever think that the producers of lost just make up things as they go? Who would of everr thought that they planned to have a guy travelling to the future and past or how people that travel to and from the island start to just between the past and future.

I dont think they thought about that all the way back in season one
They have said that they have had all of the important story elements planning when they started Season One. The character backstory episodes, however, were added in as fillers as they went on.
I still dont think that they thought everything out. im not talking about the details of the story line but i think that they start somewhere and go from there.

Basic story line: A plane crashes over an island and there are people on the island that watch them. I cant remember the movie but there is another storyline in a movie like the one on lost.

Season 2: Then i think that they just make it that since the people are on the island, that they are there for a reason. That is why they make the Dharma Initiative. I think that is when they make the buildings and added their own survivor Desmond who landed on the island earlier. We still havent found out what Dharma is except that they wanted to research some babies and their mothers.

Season 3: This is where everything starts to get weird. You get all the info about how everyone is different on the island. Example: Sun&Jin can now make kids. Also i think they had a good prompt for making everyones past the same and making them all have bad pasts. Also we get the new idea that some of the survivors have pasts that are connected or they met eachother earlier in life but didnt know it. We also get this bizzare twist on the story saying that the plane Oceanic is at the bottom of the ocean and there were no survivors. We havent found out about what is up with that but we Still that is a big Part of the plot. I dont think they though about that in season one. O dont forget the last episode where you see two guys in Antartica or someplace watching for the island.

You would have to be extremely smart and cunning to think like this series is turning out to be.

Season 4(up to now): We are finding out all these strange events about Another company looking for the island. Then you have the time travel, which couldnt have been planned from season one. The flashes forward are something new to this season also.
I could keep going on and on because there are so many subplots to this series. I have never watched a show that has so many dead ends and promts for new story lines. But i guess that is why they call it lost.
I am guessing that the producers and writers make a basic story line and then make it up as they go changing it each season with only the next season to think about. If they end up creating a really good prompt by chance or purposly, they go with that. What ever happened to the story line about all the others and the baby thing or the island having healing powers. As far as i can see the island has bad vodo powers hurting people that leave it but good powers if they stay.

I am not saying i am right but my view is fitting to the story and could be right.