Reading Rainbow

In Lost Odyssey the player takes control of Kaim, a man who has lived for 1,000 years. The game's story revolves around the many generations of which Kaim is a part, his loves and losses and conflicts in a world nearing a "mystical industrial revolution". Lost Odyssey's story is being penned by the award-winning Japanese novelist, Kiyoshi Shigematsu who is working directly with the game's producer Hironobu Sakaguchi on the story sequences. Heading up the artistic demands of the title is famed Japanese comic artist, Takehiko Inoue, while famed composer Nobuo Uematsu has been recruited to create a more contemporary soundtrack. Mistwalker is developing the title, with cooperation with a studio named Feel Plus, a subsidiary of Microsoft created specifically to aid Mistwalker. Feel Plus is made up of around 40 former Nautilus/Sacnoth developers, most famous for the cult favorite Shadow Hearts RPG series. (Sacnoth was officially announced as being dissolved in 2007.) [1] Former Square employees at Microsoft are also involved. It has been confirmed that the game will come on 4 Dual Layer DVDs, more than any Xbox 360 game to date.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW47bf6THDc << Main Theme Song (<3 Uematsu)
This game better be better than Blue Dragon... it seems like the setting is a much better match for Uematsu than Blue Dragon's was, because that theme song is just amazingly well done.
Anyone else excited for this game? I'm dying for some good RPG. >.<