Long Wait for Friend Registration?


Intellectual Visionary
Oct 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
Does it take long for the registration message to be sent to your e-mail address when you've added your self as a friend on your Wii?
Just making sure, because I want to send a message to myself to light up the drive :rolleyes:.

If its to do with the speed of your net connection, I got the updates within minutes, where as others complained they lasted upto 1hr n a half.

** EDIT **

No matter, I forgot to check 'junk mail'. Ive sent 2 tester emails, and of course left one unread to keep the light on :D

O btw, people mentioned before that their lights didnt stay on on their Wiimotes while playing :shocked: mine stays on, which I noted after 1st powering up my Wii and playing it. Also US didnt get a official game case with their Wii sports (according to Matt from IGN, during the video of unpacking the Wii), but we have an official case for it (not that it matters, it was a free game with the console, not what everyone was rushing for :rolleyes:)
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Anyone found a way to give your Wii e-mail address a personal name, like the feature on MSN? would look neater in my inbox, instead of all the characters of the default Wii e-mail address.
i have replied to my email many times but it still has me as grey in the adresse book. How did you get it to work. (its been close to 3 days after i replied)
A lot of it has to do with nintendo's server at the moment, but a lot of it also has to do with whatever host you are using for email.
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dds said:
i have replied to my email many times but it still has me as grey in the adresse book. How did you get it to work. (its been close to 3 days after i replied)

I also noted, the net connection has to stay connected untill the e-mail arrives on the Wii. I sent another reply to my Wii earlier to turn the light back on (it went off after switching my Wii from standby to on :wtf:), then turned my PC off. I've been playing Donkey Kong Country, then back to Zelda, then only when I turned my PC back on (just now, the same time I'm posting) did the e-mail arrive on my Wii, once again the light went out before I actually clicked on the message section :wtf: WHY DONT IT STAY ON?!

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