Loadouts and Levels


WiiChat Member
Jan 17, 2011
What's you favorite loadout on these levels?

I think it says somewhere that Snap Shot is only for the Wii Classic Controller, I use the wii remote.

I usually carry a Terralite w/laser equipped with Heavy Hitter, Snap Shot and Hi Cap when I'm really serious about doing a lot of damage and I've always got my Kunara V handy. ( Kunara V Tip: to save ammo, hit up on the remote to change the rate of fire from 5 to 3 per squirt and to fire rapidly tap B rather than hold it down. )

I also have a silenced terralite loadout, but I think it reduces the range and accuracy so badly that it's only good in close quarters and I prefer Drumhead.

My Favorites
Archives - Drumhead with Speed Loader and Snap Shot.

Docks - Toros - Hi-Cap, Speed Loader, Bio Booster

Outpost - Silenced Sniper/Toros

I'm still trying to learn these three. I don't really like them.

Goldeneye 007 Friend Code

A 3rd Grader

PM if you add us.
Always moving & shooting. I am not the greatest with submachine guns.
Outpost - Conservative sniping (if its apparent that the opposing team is bad) or aggressive w/ AR.
Facility - Aggressive w/ SMG.
Sewer - Aggressive w/ SMG or Shotgun.
Nightclub - Aggressive w/ SMG or AR.
Industrial - Aggressive w/ SMG.
Station - Offensive sniping or aggressive w/ AR.
Docks- Aggressive w/ AR or offensive sniping when the opposing team camps that one room.
Jungle - Offensive sniping or aggressive w/ AR.
Archives - Aggressive w/ Shotgun.

I play with the gamecube controller because I cannot find my rechargable batteries. :( Otherwise I am quite comfortable playing with the wiimote.

Quoted from my post in, more or less.:

Loadout 1 - Vargen FH7 w/ Laser, Kunara V (I'm not a big fan of any of the submachine guns I've unlocked, so this changes a lot).
Loadout 2 - Terralite III w/ Silencer, Kunara V
Loadout 3 - Terralite III w/ Reflex Sight, Kunara V
Loadout 4 - Talon HL 450 w/ Silencer, Kunara V
Loadout 5 - Drumhead Type 12, Kunara V (Currently maxing out the SLY)

Bioboost, armor, and hi-cap mag for all, except for the sniper set and SMG set (heavy hitter over reactive armor).

I also have a silenced terralite loadout, but I think it reduces the range and accuracy so badly that it's only good in close quarters and I prefer Drumhead.
I was under the impression that the silencer slightly increased accuracy and slightly decreased range and damage, but I'm not quite sure.
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Silenced Anything = huge decrease in accuracy and damage from any kind of range. Not worth tradeoff.

Experimented with Armor and Bio Booster vs. Heavy Hitter and Snapshot.

I've got to go with Heavy Hitter and Snapshot. I love to strafe and hipfire.

Snapshot + Heavy Hitter
Silenced Anything = huge decrease in accuracy and damage from any kind of range. Not worth tradeoff.

Experimented with Armor and Bio Booster vs. Heavy Hitter and Snapshot.

I've got to go with Heavy Hitter and Snapshot. I love to strafe and hipfire.

Snapshot + Heavy Hitter

Silencer, armor, and bio all help in getting consecutive kills in conflict, though, which I play a lot. :/
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in my experimenting, I've found Snap Shot and Heavy Hitter are more valuable than Bio Booster and Reactive Armor. I use the armor and bio in my sniping loadouts.

I just plan to get you before you get me and think offense is the best defense.
My loadout

Sigmus 9 w/ laser
Torka T3
Hi-cap magazine
Heavy hitter
Snap Shot
Reflex sight

thats the only loadout i use

i definitly agree with 007 with the whole silencer thing its not worth the switch also the timed mines were not worth switching out my reflex sight

im pretty accurate if i have a clear shot your ass is mine lol
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silenced ua1 facility/archives
ua1 or silenced sniper for outpost/memorial
ua1 w/ reflex scope for station/sewers

usually w/ hi cap/heavy hitter/bio

i love strafin/hip firing but i feel bio usually outweighs snap shot. w
At lvl 40 I use 4 primary loadouts-
Vargen/Kunara/Remotes/Heavy Hitter/Snapshot/ACOG for close quarters, Vargen/Kunara/Remotes/Lightfoot/Bio/Silencer for general use
Stauger/Kunara/Remotes/Lightfoot/Bio/ACOG for general use
Terralite/Kunara/Remotes/Lightfoot/Bio/Silencer for long range.

Anova and Strata are coming soon so these will change.

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