*Live* Wii Playing

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  • #64
Hellview said:
is it repeating?? because hes going through the same temple again..

not sure.
Back, nah it's definitly live, if you were able to go on chat, people ask him stuff on there and he replies, so no doubt about it being live :)
It's back up now for me. He is screwing around with his Mii's.
ooo redsteel. DO u think the sowrd play is going to be good or just rubbish. Im getting the game but im not too sure if its gona be as good as i used to think it was.
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  • #70
Apparently the sword play aint that much cop, the Yoshi guy was like 'oh not another sword fight' when he came to one the other day, but other then that its menna be great
kool. i think the gunplay is going to be the best feature of redsteel by far. Cant wait untill december 8th now first game im playing is either red steel or wii sports.
lelando said:
kool. i think the gunplay is going to be the best feature of redsteel by far. Cant wait untill december 8th now first game im playing is either red steel or wii sports.

Red Steel is a dissapointment... get it but you will most likely end up selling it for dirt at your local game shop.
lol he just got to a cs in zelda and started yelling SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER non stop..
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  • #75
Forgot to mention...


well hes in American times methinks, so not sure exactly when he'll end, but this will be the last chance to see him ladies :)

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