*Live* Wii Playing

lol he registered his email and spelled it wrong and got on the computer and was like "Uh... I dont know how I go about registering myself"
if you look at his blogs he rented some from blockbuster...

but this is just too funny..

"A lot of people don't know I take a morning deuce... and then sometimes I take a goodnight deuce."
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He ain't a kid :lol: hes like 20 summin, and hes got like Rayman, Red Steel, LOZ, Excite Truck (currently playing), Madden, and Super Monkey Ball, some VC games too (might have more)
ds3011 said:
Cool video but makes me want a Wii more and more! :smilewinkgrin:

What video? This is a week straight of LIVE Wii playing.
I want to watch but i don't want to ruin the game! From the 5 seconds i was watching it though i found i really want to get the game and the graphics look very good, at least to me they do.

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