laying trip-mine


WiiChat Member
Jun 21, 2011
ok so ill admit ive not been around that long- only lvl 25.....

but whats with the massive ammount of weps hacks/cheats/whatevers this week?

2 mins into a tc in the jungle i hear my teammate "laying trip mine.... laying trip mine..... laying trip mine....laying trip mine...throwing sticky grendade....throwing sticky grendade...throwing sti....."

i quit out straight away!

bloody cheats.... ok like i said im fairly noob.

is it an uncommon phrase we occassionaly say when laying proxies? maybe i dunno- you tell me.....

BUT i KNOW this much. at lvl 12 he does not have proxies.... and certainly NOT 4 of them

or bloody sticky grenades! at least 3 b4 i quit.

so anyone else noticed increased use of these types of weps

and seriously someone please answer my quesetion about the proxies (are trip mines, just what they occassionally say, or another hack/cheat?)
well what it sounds like is hacks to me, especially the sticky grenades.

But for the proxies, I'm not so sure. The reason is because when I was a low level I good searched faster ways to get the good gear on Goldeneye. One of the links was a topic (on gamefaqs I think) saying that there are promotion codes for online that come with the James bond goldeneye bundle. Kind of like the Socom 3 online code for PSP. Once again I'm not sure but that could be the case. But I HIGHLY DOUBT this to be the case because of the 3 proxies he laid as well as the sticky grenades.

Hope this helps!
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ye, its obviously hacking coz of the ammount that was used. (and the other team members were at other side of the map, so it wasnt like 3 of them were laying them).... those codes though, i was under the impression (probably wrongly) that they were for use only in splitscreen.
the codes?

No no no, if you go online you can see the promotional codes which is totally different then regular cheat codes. If you were to type in the invisibility cheat to split screen in the promotion codes section online it wouldn't work.
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oh ye right enough (ive been using too many smoke grenades lol)

well i guess the weps really could be legit (or for the mines just another v/o they use)...but still the cheating bar stewards :wink:, they didnt need 4 surely for the love of miss moneypenny.
Trip mines are the same as proxies. Now, if you heard several proxies being laid by the same guy you can only have two so it's a hack. However, there are times when you can hear everything that everyone does. You could have gotten into one of those games where the sounds aren't right at all - when you can hear everyone and everything they do. So, it wasn't necessarily a hack.
There ya go - it's different to see it all than to hear it all. That was definitely a hack. Interestingly, the hackers like Hetoan6 and others like him do not let their codes get out. So, while they go and make their videos showing the hacks they don't use them or let the hacks go mainstream. In other words, they hack for the love of hacking. It's those other guys that hack games so they can level up that tend to ruin things for the rest of us who want to play legitimately.
So, while they go and make their videos showing the hacks they don't use them or let the hacks go mainstream. In other words, they hack for the love of hacking. It's those other guys that hack games so they can level up that tend to ruin things for the rest of us who want to play legitimately.

Amen to that.
Ive seen this hack several times... Once the guy was throwing literally hundreds of proxies. I followed him around blowing them all up hahaha He was on my team so they didnt kill me and I bet he was getting pretty pissed off.
A few weeks ago, I played a conflict match against a 40-something that had hacked infinite proxies. But he sucked horribly at using them; He'd just place them all over the entrance to a room or something and just hide behind them, and he'd place them in the most obvious places. I thoroughly enjoyed blowing up his proxies and replacing them with my own, so he'd walk right over them thinking they were his. :yesnod:
A few weeks ago, I played a conflict match against a 40-something that had hacked infinite proxies. But he sucked horribly at using them; He'd just place them all over the entrance to a room or something and just hide behind them, and he'd place them in the most obvious places. I thoroughly enjoyed blowing up his proxies and replacing them with my own, so he'd walk right over them thinking they were his. :yesnod:

It is surprising the idiots that come online, the ones that don't know how to throw grenades, blowing their teammates up and stuff like that. But this my friend, this is just a plain stupid level "40 something". If he would just simply listen to the mines blow up, which he should have from a mile away, he would have obviously knew they blew up and if he didn't kill anyone then someone obviously wasn't that stupid to run into them.

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