Kingdom Hearts 3 for the Wii?

No it won't be chibitized (more like midgetized, I hate anime) that's why there's Crystal Chronicles, if they do FF13 it will be realistically good, and it will surpirse many, like you for example, I mean don't you remember RE4 for Gamecube? the Wii has more than twice the graphics power than GC so it wouldn't surprise me.
It seems KH3 is nearly Eliminating Disney though
Axtlar said:
No it won't be chibitized (more like midgetized, I hate anime) that's why there's Crystal Chronicles, if they do FF13 it will be realistically good, and it will surpirse many, like you for example, I mean don't you remember RE4 for Gamecube? the Wii has more than twice the graphics power than GC so it wouldn't surprise me.

Midget is a prejudice term for a little person, so get with it please.

Most companies will want to chibitize their games so that it'll appeal to more people. Companies are still under the impression that the Wii will be family oriented and that's why we're getting a chibi version of The Sims and a very cartoonish SSX.

So it's perfectly logical to assume if any FF comes over the same effect will happen, it's more likely than a realistic approach.
Ok Kingdom Heart would work great with the Wii but since SE said that there game would go on the worst next gen system the PS3 will get it but I mean if Nintendo was smart they would pay a huge price tag to get the game on the Wii too, that would help destroy the PS3 even more.
The whole concept sounds stupid to me though...I mean really in what universe are Mario and Cloud all of sudden meeting up? Its just ridiculous. But hey to each his own since the games been made already the genies out of the bottle and theres no going back now. I do love the music though for the series. Esp the ones in the commercials...
When did the idea of mario coming in start
ok you say that the universe of Mario and Cloud would be impossiible as they meet up? well in what unsiverse does Mickey and Cloud meet? in Neverland?that's more ridiculous than Mario
expect a lot of games to be on the wii that are from sony or microsofts gaming machines like guitar hero from sony or this =P
RivalDestiny said:
expect a lot of games to be on the wii that are from sony or microsofts gaming machines like guitar hero from sony or this =P
yes also Scarface, Manhunt 2, Godfather, and others
i never played KH2 but i loved kingdom hearts one, it was also the first square game i ever played, i hope it comes to wii
no offence to you lot who like Kingdom Of Hearts, but usn't that a disney character game and its for like 5 year olds? I know I'm only 12 but I mostly play 18s and 15s.
Ness said:
i doubt a five year old would be able to play kingdom hearts, it gets pretty complicated

you know what i mean