Kingdom Hearts 3 for the Wii?

Esco27 said:
Mario wouldn't fit in.. it's just weird. Someone like Link though, that could work. On the entire idea, it'd be awesome if it happened, but we all know the chances are slim to none.

That Guys Right.
...I bet that won't happen. xD I'm pretty sure it's sticking to playstation... sadly. ;__;
Well even though its only rumour, its possible.

I mean, Nomura said there were a few announcements about the KH series to be expected this year. Maybe a title will see life on the Wii? Who knows.

Disney did set up a studio to develop for the Wii, and even though thats completely unrelated its a start. Both Square and Disney are being closer with Nintendo.

And if they included Nintendo characters in a KHWii then Mario would have to be there, plain and simple. He is Mario.
i hope it comes to the wii coz the games are some of the best ive ever played but the chances are quite slim:sad:
Esco27 said:
Mario wouldn't fit in.. it's just weird. Someone like Link though, that could work. On the entire idea, it'd be awesome if it happened, but we all know the chances are slim to none.

Since it's Kingdom Hearts only the top characters from a game will make an appearance and for gaming in General Mario is the most famous game character so you would have no choice but to see him in the game.

As for this ever never will. This game is soley for Squaresoft and Disney Characters.
freakpizzaboy said:
hmm, they did make FF's for ds, thats also a possibility i suppose..


Yeah but those are the handheld versions............ and I think kingdom heart was on gameboy advance, come to think of it. But i still want them do crystal bearers and place FF13 on the wii
it was, Chain of Memories was

i mean, the companies HAVE worked with nintendo before and for those games its seems like a multiconsole release would be the way to go

i wouldnt get my hopes up though
Yeah i know but still it would be cool. But definitely we will see more square enix games on the wii. Especially as the online mode gets up and running. But another thing. The FFCC is a franchise game for nintendo and the FF's for Play station is it's franchise, so i'm thinking that nintendo would have to give up FFCC and Sony would have to give up FF in order for it to be shared between the two consoles. But i think FFCC can be a huge hit once they shape it better. Keep the same gameplay but make the story mode and quests like the regular FF.
sweet baby jesus! i would cry and fall at my knees if KH3 ever came to the wii. seriously... best series.

i have my doubts that i'll ever see it, but ... man.
Who said Mario wouldn't fit in? they must be stupid and I bet 5 years ago, if you heard: "a Final Fantasy game merged with Disney characters would be great!!" you would say "that's the stupidest idea ever!! uuhhh *dozes off*" so think about that first, before saying what's stupid and what's not in your opinion..I think it will be great and even better than what Kingdom Hearts is now with the Disney characters if they instead would put the Nintendo characters.
freakpizzaboy said:
it would be 100% awesome if it happened

i was considering buying a ps3 just for kh3 because ive been following the kingdom hearts series and i love it

although it does only seem right that a mainly DISNEY game should be on the wii because its "for kids" (yea right) so idk

They have stuck with Sony for the other two but that would be so cool this comment is the one that most applies to me
hotpotato78 said:
Yeah but those are the handheld versions............ and I think kingdom heart was on gameboy advance, come to think of it. But i still want them do crystal bearers and place FF13 on the wii

If FF13 ever comes to the Wii you better bet it'll be chibitized.
It's funny how so many idiots suddenly think KH3 is coming out on the Wii out of nowhere. It would be a smart move though for SE seeing as the Wii has a larger kid fanbase than the other consoles.