Kill the person above you thread

*glares at flobert for fat joke*

i kill you with poke'mon trainer's smash move

i didnt mean for it to be perosonal...

oh btw i snipe you and miss but a week later your watching tv and the bullet hits your jugular vein and you are pronounced dead at the hospital
the kid in the video gets tired of trying to get sumthing from the machine and eats you

i killed you w/ a fat joke lol
The kid from the video told me to say something to you that was very rude. I forgot what it was lolz.

Anyways a dog ate you. [video=youtube;z6AmC4YH0eg][/video]
P.S. I made that vid :p
i drag u across 300 old people's lawns and then throw u in a room with all the old people which then then begin to beat u with their canes and walkers because you were on their lawns

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