Kill the person above you thread

Lolzo so im still alive yay im da best at avoiding death so david thinks to himself to kill again.

so david goes to tortillachip520 and dips him in blisteringly hot cheese and eats him while watching the news about a guy called slimi who tragically died
I change the molecular structure of the blood into a whale

If falls and crushes you
Bonodo, i tied Bonodo up with rope and hung him of a cliff, at the bottom of the cliff was a pool full or rats that had rabies, then then smeared jam all over his body and broke a bee's nest over his head, as the bees started to eat him, i cut the rope so Slimi fell all the way down into the pit of rats with rabie's(he magically surived the fall) the bees chased him down and kept biting and stinging while the rats ate him then i droped a basket full of spiders and snakes over the cliff. Bonodo was now in a pit full of rats (with rabies) Bees, Snakes and spiders, after he finally crawled out he ran to the hospital for a rabies shot and the doctors gave him the shot he was finally safe. on his way out a giant bear (also with rabies) mauled him to death, He later died again of rabies, Bonodo died twice and will always be remembered as unlucky to have met ME Mwuhahaha.

i enjoy killing people in this way

P.S rep me if my kill was fun

Click it

I send out a mr t look alike to nut a nuke and send you to hell

Also dont ask for rep
The prinnies turn on you (im one of them remeber)
And rape you to death

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