kiddies system??

I do like the 360 and Gears of War is awesome, but I'm pretty hyped about the Wii just because of the gameplay and Zelda. The only people that think it is a kid console are the uneducated ones that only look at graphics
Good thread here, this so called console war is over blown. The PS3 and xbox are in competition for that Next gen movie format...thats the bottomline.HDDVD or Blue ray. I will stick to my regular dvds as I have spent how many years now buying movies in dvd format. Not gonna chage all my stuff again. I said it before, are we all focused on pretty things so much that substance means nothing? Nintendo will be fine the GC was predicted to fall didnt. The DS was supposed to fall to the didnt. Innovation over visuals is Nintendos key to success.
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daddyfatsackz said:
the GC was predicted to fall didnt.

i agree with what you are saying except for the part about the GC!! as i think that console wasnt succesful. some game shops like gamestation stopped selling GC games!!!
As much as I like Nintendo the GC was a flop for me, it just felt like no new games were ever released, hopefully there is a stedy flow of awesome games for the Wii
I've been with nintendo since the snes, the GC was a big letdown for me, with very few good games, very very far apart... (snes is still my favourite console)

personally i am abit worried about the mature games line up for the wii after the initial launch is over, as the 360 has halo, gears of war, the ps3 has devil may cry, metal gear solid; while the wii does have some great games coming out later such as smash bros and metroid, there seems to be little hope for any new mature games. Another thing that worries me is the wii being a "casual gaming system" does this mean the majority of our games will be simply party games? missing out on the hardcore rpgs? and fps? compared to ps3/360, i hope nintendo cover all genres of gaming this time...

lastly i was hoping to see a new eternal darkness(1 of the few good games on the GC) but it seems there wont be one for quite some time, if ever; also i hope 3rd partys start to put more effort in the games for the wii after the initial launch is over... as i would have loved to get call of duty 3 but for me that game is really graphically bounded, so...
Dekar said:
I've been with nintendo since the snes, the GC was a big letdown for me, with very few good games, very very far apart... (snes is still my favourite console)
I found that the Gamecube was a really good system, with some really good games. I think the problem is, is that it tried to compete with the PS2 and Xbox. It failed because Sony has more games (note: Not better games - But more).

personally i am abit worried about the mature games line up for the wii after the initial launch is over, as the 360 has halo, gears of war, the ps3 has devil may cry, metal gear solid; while the wii does have some great games coming out later such as smash bros and metroid, there seems to be little hope for any new mature games.
What is the big deal with "mature gaming"? So you get to see blood or a little horror every now and then. People need to get out of the habbit of thinking that the only decent games to play are "mature" games. It's funny how we don't have that attitude with films! We are fine with going to see the next 12A Spiderman movie, or the next 12A Bond movie.

Another thing that worries me is the wii being a "casual gaming system" does this mean the majority of our games will be simply party games? missing out on the hardcore rpgs? and fps? compared to ps3/360, i hope nintendo cover all genres of gaming this time...
It isn't a casual gaming system. Nintendo have said it themselves, that the Wii is for everyone - whether you've never picked up a controller in your life, or if you've nearly died through playing games for 100+ hours! (Not in so many words). The Wii isn't just for a single set of people. It is for everyone.

lastly i was hoping to see a new eternal darkness(1 of the few good games on the GC) but it seems there wont be one for quite some time, if ever; also i hope 3rd partys start to put more effort in the games for the wii after the initial launch is over... as i would have loved to get call of duty 3 but for me that game is really graphically bounded, so...
I loved Eternal Darkness and was a bit bummed out when Silicon Knights said there's little chance of seeing a sequel. I think a lot of developers are waiting to see how the Wii fares against the other consoles - Much like a lot of people. I think the Wii will fare very well (I doubt you'd be able to get a Wii on launch in some places - in fact, in a lot of places, despite a 4 million unit strong launch). I have faith in the Wii simply because it has soo much buzz and potential at the moment - especially with the PS3 almost seeming to barely keep it's head out of the water. I'm just waiting to see if it can catch up with 360, considering it had a massive head start. I think it may just catch up yet!
Dekar said:
I've been with nintendo since the snes, the GC was a big letdown for me, with very few good games, very very far apart... (snes is still my favourite console)

compared to ps3/360, i hope nintendo cover all genres of gaming this time...


Well, I don't think it's just Nintendo that produces games xD
I'm pretty sure we'll have a load of FPS, the hardware is just so fitting for it.

I dunno about rpgs. Maybe since Zelda will be awesome beyond belief, third party developers might say, "Hey.... Let's get rich and make a game for the Wii."
We could all just quit giving a damn what other people think and just enjoy the fact that we get what Wii is all about and accept that those other people are either oblivious or ignorant.
100% not true and the people who said it know it!
Nintendo is for everyone!
I maen have you heard its name!!!!
WII: as in everyone!
Agreed, Nate - the way I see, that's one less person in front of me in line at launch. :yesnod:
Ronan said:
its more like

ps3: Rich/or serious gamers
360: Decent bit of money needed bit not serious
Wii: Suitable for most casual gamers

Im not putting down any of them

yeah or how bout

ps3: people who like to pay money for stuff to malfunct at launch
360: Old News
Wii: New concept. expect fear. considering-DS did fine (PSP barely floatin) and it was new concept too.
I think it's a proven fact that there are more M/T games on the ps3/2 & xbox/360 than any Nintendo system, which is why it usually get stereotyped "kidtendo"

Name a few M games that are first-party.
$?wii?$ said:
on the gamespot forums alot of people were saying that:
Wii= kiddies system!!!

I think somebody With the ignorant small mind of a 'Kiddie would say that.

vagrant said:
Sony = Final Fantasy Fanboy system

Not True, i've been a fanboy of Sony up until PS3 and I don't really like Final Fantasy. If anything I suppose it's a 'Racing Game' or 'Metal Gear Solid' fanboy system.
look people have an i would just forget about it.... my brother says it all the time and i say back at least i am going to have a new console and your gonna be stuck with the old ps2...HAHA dumbass

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