Just one title for March 26

FWELR said:
yeah, the actualy gameplay is great. but there are so many options missing, ie: club selection (the clubs in your bag), accessories for your character (no glasses, golf tees, socks), and no power boost on your shots. i hope 08 will fix these and get online play, making it one of the best sports games ever.
socks are you serious lmao how about pink boxer briefs?
JerrodDRagon said:
Then Nintendo needs to shut up. Dont tell us were getting a N64 every month and then not deliver, Im pretty fed up with this BS 4 weeks of games that are1
1) Zelda OOT most of use hace the game on the gamecube
2) Sonic Pinball, Ghost and Ghouls are over priced (good games but not for 8 bucks)
3) No N64 game in a month and the last one was a one player that everyone had played.

Star Fox was suppose to be out today why the **** was it not out? (sorry for the language) Star Fox includes both a great one player game that can change every time you play it plus a fun multilayer. But no they give another over priced Super Nintendo game. Also where's TMNT? What are they waiting for the UK has it and the movie freaking just came out I see no reason for it not coming out today, and since only one game came out today there is another reason TMNT or Star Fox should have come out. Im also pretty pissed that there has not be a good game for the wi since SSX blur (which is not better than Tricky) Mortal Combat was suppose to be out by now and so was Prince of Persia but both were pushed back right into the time when Super Paper Mario, Mario Party and Brain age are coming out so to end this message I have to say Nintendo is letting this "being the best Next Gen console" get to tere heads and are now being lazy, thanks Nintendo for being Arrogant.
if you want all these games why dont you just buy them.?and if snes games are so overpriced why dont you just buy the real thing for cheaper everyone is crying on how expensive the games are. then go buy the real thing if there so expensive
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This is off topic but I never found Star Fox interesting at all. I usually agree with the idea that gameplay > graphics but man, Star Fox was putrid to me. Can someone explain the cult following that Star Fox sees?
mym6 said:
This is off topic but I never found Star Fox interesting at all. I usually agree with the idea that gameplay > graphics but man, Star Fox was putrid to me. Can someone explain the cult following that Star Fox sees?

i don't know, this is one of my primary interests looking into the virutal console, as i never got a chance to play it before.
Really everyone needs to quit their b*tching. Nintendo didn't even have to offer this service and yet they're doing so. Cut them slack. There are a million games that are choosing each of them is wanted by someone whether you like it not. Maybe you don't like todays releases. So what? Someone else probably does. Sooner or Later you'll have you're beloved N64 titles on the VC. Until then be patient and enjoy your Wii or something.
North99 said:
i logged onto press.nintendo.com right away to check. saw 1 game released i have never heard of. assholes.

Isn't that the point of the VC? To play games that you have never heard of or never had the opportunity? If you guys want are just the AAA Nintendo titles, then why should Nintendo even bother with the VC.
yeah seriously. bummed on the wii, bummed on the vc. 360 can play online with their vc games not just online 360 games. nintendos being whack and its making me regret i even got a wii.
MasterJedi2U said:
Really everyone needs to quit their b*tching. Nintendo didn't even have to offer this service and yet they're doing so. Cut them slack. There are a million games that are choosing each of them is wanted by someone whether you like it not. Maybe you don't like todays releases. So what? Someone else probably does. Sooner or Later you'll have you're beloved N64 titles on the VC. Until then be patient and enjoy your Wii or something.

I agree, in 4 month they have release a lot of games, they are working hard, maybe they have bump into tech issues. Think about it, in 4 or 5 month thay have manage to have a lot. Hell, just buy every game and beat it, if that is the case, by the time you are through, they probably have the games you want up in VC
RedProdigy said:
Isn't that the point of the VC? To play games that you have never heard of or never had the opportunity? If you guys want are just the AAA Nintendo titles, then why should Nintendo even bother with the VC.
Not if the game costs 8 bucks and I have it sucks. If all the 2D games were like 5-6 bucks then I would have alot more VC games the N64 games are worth the 10 bucks, and if you have friends games like Mario Kart 64 may be one of your most played games on your Wii (since I've played Wii sports with my friends for like 20 hours and Mario Kart like 10 hours)
Nintendo still amazes me. They bring out such excellent games. In the past few weeks, I have bought Sonic and the Secret Rings, TMNT, and Kororinpa.
I dont even like sonic games, but this new sonic is amazing. Its one hell of a challenge, it will take quite some time to unlock everything, and it has story and multiplayer, so it does not get old fast at all. Kororinpa is a dam hard game. Just trying to get gold cups on the levels is nearly impossible. definitely not a kids game (challenge wise). TMNT; one of the best turtle games made, besides the old 8bit versions. All the gamecube versions were awful, i just bought Mutant Nightmare on the gamecube 3 weeks ago and gave it away already. I have plenty of wii games to keep me goin for awhile. Keep up the good work Nintendo.
you are stupid. TMNT sucks, i love the ****ing ninja turltles more than anyone but that game is a disgrace. i rather play tonyhawks downhill jam, which is an even bigger disgrace to skateboarding.
RedProdigy said:
Isn't that the point of the VC? To play games that you have never heard of or never had the opportunity?
Oh yes...I've waited 12 years to play "Elevator Action" and now my dream can finally come true.

Oh joy. Oh rapture.
Are you guys really so poor and pathetic and unable to find jobs that "$8 is too much"??

I don't think i've ever in my life complained about something I've paid under $10 for, except for food. And even then, under $10, its not even going to be an expensive enough meal to fuss about.

I promise you though, Nintendo, or any other company, doesnt care even the tinest little bit about people who can't even afford eight whole dollars. Get a job.

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