Just one title for March 26

CaseyCor said:
I'm being a "little girl" because I'm not happy with Nintendo's lack of quality releases? I spend a lot of money on my Wii, and I expect their to be quality games for me to play on it. So far, Nintendo has failed miserably at this.
QQ more plz.
Knoxville555 said:
There are no other games for anyone over the age of 10 to enjoy. :

see godfather: blackhand edition, red steel, splinter cell, and blazing angels: squadrons of WWII. i think that has enough violence for the over-the-age-of-10-year-olds to enjoy.
Knoxville555 said:
Thats the reason I bought the Wii. Wii sports got old real fast. There are no other games for anyone over the age of 10 to enjoy. Its all cartoon crap. The VC was the only reason I wanted the wii.:incazzato: And for all of you who say they have to release crap other wise the VC will end before it starts you are wrong. They have over 20 years of material to use. They can spread that out nicely once a week for 5 - 7 years until the next gen consoles release.:hand:
Sorry I didn't realize that games like Zelda Twilight Princess, Godfather, and Red Steel were "cartoon crap" only for kiddies under the age of 10. Excuse me for this grave mental lapse.
One title and it's not even a game most gamers want.

Gawd, nintendo you suck.

You're not getting my money this week or any time soon.
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Tiger Woods is an exceptional game for those of us looking for a great Wii game. I highly recommend picking it up if VC is lagging for you.
WiiBad said:
Tiger Woods is an exceptional game for those of us looking for a great Wii game. I highly recommend picking it up if VC is lagging for you.

yeah, the actualy gameplay is great. but there are so many options missing, ie: club selection (the clubs in your bag), accessories for your character (no glasses, golf tees, socks), and no power boost on your shots. i hope 08 will fix these and get online play, making it one of the best sports games ever.
CaseyCor said:
I'm being a "little girl" because I'm not happy with Nintendo's lack of quality releases? I spend a lot of money on my Wii, and I expect their to be quality games for me to play on it. So far, Nintendo has failed miserably at this.

THERE^^ are quality releases on the VC. You call releasing super mario world, 64, kart 64, SMB, Kid Icarus, LoZ, Loz aLttP, LoZ OoT, Castlevania 4, Streetfighter II, Sonic, Donkey Kong Country, etc. to be failing "miserably" at maintaining quality on the VC? Step off! Do you have any idea what process has to take place in order to put games on the vC without being held liable? I would say not. Just because you can throw down a few dollars for old school games at GameStop doesn't mean third party liscensees are going to place their entire collection on the VC so quickly. Give Nintendo a break!! Nobody got F-ed over!! It's not like Nintendo took the money from your pocket! Idiots...
Knoxville555 said:
Thats the reason I bought the Wii. Wii sports got old real fast. There are no other games for anyone over the age of 10 to enjoy. Its all cartoon crap. The VC was the only reason I wanted the wii.:incazzato: And for all of you who say they have to release crap other wise the VC will end before it starts you are wrong. They have over 20 years of material to use. They can spread that out nicely once a week for 5 - 7 years until the next gen consoles release.:hand:

I didn't know the only games worth playing these days were those that required killing police officers, using and/or selling drugs, screwing and/or killing prostitues, and stealing cars. Almost every game ever made that didn't have those things must have sucked hard huh?
SixStringedStress said:
I didn't know the only games worth playing these days were those that required killing police officers, using and/or selling drugs, screwing and/or killing prostitues, and stealing cars. Almost every game ever made that didn't have those things must have sucked hard huh?

yeah, man. don't know why i even considered playing a game with a storyline that'll keep me out of jail someday. damn, o well, off to go make it rain at a strip club....
redwagon76 said:
Geez, everybody's freaking out saying Nintendo "f*cked up" I've never heard this much whinning. Yeah it sucks but come on, they'll make up for it. I would like to know what kind of technical problems they are running into. N64 games might be proving harder then expected. Or perhaps there are legal problems. Also, there is an argument that they are trying not to detract from Wii game sales. In any case, stop being little girls.
Then Nintendo needs to shut up. Dont tell us were getting a N64 every month and then not deliver, Im pretty fed up with this BS 4 weeks of games that are1
1) Zelda OOT most of use hace the game on the gamecube
2) Sonic Pinball, Ghost and Ghouls are over priced (good games but not for 8 bucks)
3) No N64 game in a month and the last one was a one player that everyone had played.

Star Fox was suppose to be out today why the **** was it not out? (sorry for the language) Star Fox includes both a great one player game that can change every time you play it plus a fun multilayer. But no they give another over priced Super Nintendo game. Also where's TMNT? What are they waiting for the UK has it and the movie freaking just came out I see no reason for it not coming out today, and since only one game came out today there is another reason TMNT or Star Fox should have come out. Im also pretty pissed that there has not be a good game for the wi since SSX blur (which is not better than Tricky) Mortal Combat was suppose to be out by now and so was Prince of Persia but both were pushed back right into the time when Super Paper Mario, Mario Party and Brain age are coming out so to end this message I have to say Nintendo is letting this "being the best Next Gen console" get to tere heads and are now being lazy, thanks Nintendo for being Arrogant.
JerrodDRagon said:
Then Nintendo needs to shut up. Dont tell us were getting a N64 every month and then not deliver, Im pretty fed up with this BS 4 weeks of games that are1
1) Zelda OOT most of use hace the game on the gamecube
2) Sonic Pinball, Ghost and Ghouls are over priced (good games but not for 8 bucks)
3) No N64 game in a month and the last one was a one player that everyone had played.

Star Fox was suppose to be out today why the **** was it not out? (sorry for the language) Star Fox includes both a great one player game that can change every time you play it plus a fun multilayer. But no they give another over priced Super Nintendo game. Also where's TMNT? What are they waiting for the UK has it and the movie freaking just came out I see no reason for it not coming out today, and since only one game came out today there is another reason TMNT or Star Fox should have come out. Im also pretty pissed that there has not be a good game for the wi since SSX blur (which is not better than Tricky) Mortal Combat was suppose to be out by now and so was Prince of Persia but both were pushed back right into the time when Super Paper Mario, Mario Party and Brain age are coming out so to end this message I have to say Nintendo is letting this "being the best Next Gen console" get to tere heads and are now being lazy, thanks Nintendo for being Arrogant.

that's all i have to say, jerry. ok, on a serious note, you pretty much right on with everything you said there. nintendo shouldn't combine release dates at the same time, because it hurts the launches of games, and there should have been a great VC title out between now and the April 9 barrage. the only way they could screw this up further would be to release Brawl, Corruption, and Galaxy out on June 1, when none of them could have online.
I remember when xbox live marketplace was brand new and Ive experienced Sony's new market and they both suck compared to what the Wii has, in terms of games(not video, demos, etc) Point is, with every system the online component has a fledgling phase and I think Nintendo did the right thing by giving us a bunch of great content right away and then giving us a dry spell. We now have quite a few great VC games to keep us busy while they work out the kinks. If you want to cry still, maybe you should go do it on the blow-it-out your a$$ forums.
redwagon76 said:
I remember when xbox live marketplace was brand new and Ive experienced Sony's new market and they both suck compared to what the Wii has, in terms of games(not video, demos, etc) Point is, with every system the online component has a fledgling phase and I think Nintendo did the right thing by giving us a bunch of great content right away and then giving us a dry spell. We now have quite a few great VC games to keep us busy while they work out the kinks. If you want to cry still, maybe you should go do it on the blow-it-out your a$$ forums.

so they should make there system worst because they have no compation? No you do the best you can do and forget the rest thats how you make a system that pleases everyone and makes you the best, and see if TMNT and Star Fox was out they would have more money doing it later when all the wii games are being releases COULD in fact stop people from buying the game seeing how they dont need it now. But hey thats just how I think I want my costumors to be happy with my product all the time and offer at least one good then every 2 weeks (and since both the Wi games and VC have been lacking the last 4 weeks Im in a bad mode with Nintendo) Not to mention all the delays with games like Metriod, Super Smash,Mario Party and Prince of Persia, Mortal Kombat (which makes no sense since there ports).

I dont care if the the 360/Ps3 sucks with putting games out, thats there problem but this is the wii the best next gen system lets not slow things down unless we have too (and no we could have more VC games this week and Pirnce of Persia an Mortal Kombat are done but were pushed back for no reason)
Conan the Librarian said:
get the sand out of your vagina.......
ahhhh hahahahahahahahahaha wtf? I'm just saying, if you have a legitimate complaint, there are more elegant ways to say your dissatisfied then what I've seen. But go ahead and freak out, that works too.

BTW JerrodDRagon pretty much demonstrated this, he made his case and supported it with evidence. I dont agree 100% but at least he's not retarded enough to say, "get the sand out of your vagina" that still cracks me up.
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