WiiChat Member
LiquidD said:strommsarnac, 480p is stanard. why do you that everyone says that the wii is not really true hd? cuz 480p is a crappy enhanced resolution. 480i is standard on all tv's. 480p is just a little enhancement from 480i and really... im not sure what you're trying to say....
you say "Most CRT screens prior to 2004 will not support 480p at all. If they do, they down convert to 480i which really degrades the image quality," and that doesn't makes sense. can you make a little more sense here...
and yeah, if you pay anything above 15 bucks for those component cables, ur dumb.
It appears a lot of people don't understand the difference between "i" and "p".
I is for Interlaced. This means that the image is created by two passes over the screen. The first past only paints the odd lines (1,3,5,7,etc.). The second pass paints the even lines (2,4,6,8,etc.).
P is for progressive. This means that ALL the lines are painted in a single pass (1,2,3,4,5,6,etc.).
Now, 480i is ANALOG an analog signal, while 480p is DIGITAL. 480i is a 640x480 image and on broadcast is at 25 frames per second while DVD/etc run at 29.7 frames per second. 480p is 720x480 and supports up to 60 frames per second.
Now that everyone understands the difference between "i" and "p", you'll see the problem if your TV supports an input of 480p, but only displays 480i. You'll get half the image "per paint". Since the image is down-converted, it also tends to have color and motion problems like blurring.
This problem is true with ANY image resolution down grade. If you're going to display at 1600x1200, it's better to use a 2mp camera than it is to use an 8mp camera and resize the image down to 2mp.
My comment on pre-2004 is based on that most CRT TVs which fall into that time frame were analog displays, not digital. This means they were interlacing the image.