Halo 3 graphics...Might not be as good as anticipated?

The Plague

Village Idiot
Apr 7, 2007
Wii Online Code
If you look at the weekly update...They mention that Halo 3 was meant to look nex-gen on any type of TV, HDTV or not, flat-screen or not, they want the graphics to look nex-gen...They said that having an HDTV will make a slight difference in the graphics...

So, if you've seen the beta footage that people have been ranting about..Saying things like "It looks like Halo 2 graphics" or "It looks like Halo 2.5"....

Well, those people might actually be right. The graphics might not get any better than that! :yikes:
The Plague said:
If you look at the weekly update...They mention that Halo 3 was meant to look nex-gen on any type of TV, HDTV or not, flat-screen or not, they want the graphics to look nex-gen...They said that having an HDTV will make a slight difference in the graphics...

So, if you've seen the beta footage that people have been ranting about..Saying things like "It looks like Halo 2 graphics" or "It looks like Halo 2.5"....

Well, those people might actually be right. The graphics might not get any better than that! :yikes:
what are you talking about?
they said the graphics you see in the alpha build are not to represent the final graphics like 50 billion times:eek:ut: hdtv just improves quality, it dosent change polygon count or anything, graphics = polygon count
Fanboy based post, and is completly biased/wrong. Coming from a guy who openly admits he owns Happy Feet on the Wii, which I heard was menna be the worst game evar (see, now I'm doing what you're doing. 'cause someone told me something is bad I immediately assume it is).

Warning: Some sarcasm is apparent in this post.
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It doesn't matter what they said 50 billion times.. It matters what they just said recently...This week. And they said the graphics will be slightly better in HD...

But, just look at the trailers for Halo 3 and Halo Wars..They look great...They did the same thing with Halo 2, and they didn't turn out that way. (Halo 2 was supposed to be in HD, by the way)...And I am aware its in its beta stage now, but if the HD is gonna make a small difference.....Then they aren't pushing the 360 to its full potential.
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Lol, a fanboy? And whats your username? Wiired? Oh wait, thats assuming things, like you were just doing to me..

I wasn't ASSUMING anything..These are FACTS..And were taken from Bungie's very own site....Ahh, I hate fanboys just as much as you do..

In fact, I don't even OWN A 360!!....I try my hardest not to be biased...I don't see how taking things that BUNGIE REPRESENTATIVES THEMSELVES SAID....Makes me a biased person. Whoo, i've had enough of fanboy hypocrites. :hand:

By the way..I share my Wii with my younger brother..I got it for Christmas...Happy Feet was also a christmas present but was meant for my brother..Seeing as how we share, it makes Happy Feet mine as much as it makes it my brothers....Its a good game, btw...Again, you're being a hypocrite...Don't go by what people tell you, as you just recently got done telling me, Wiired.
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The Plague said:
It doesn't matter what they said 50 billion times.. It matters what they just said recently...This week. And they said the graphics will be slightly better in HD...

But, just look at the trailers for Halo 3 and Halo Wars..They look great...They did the same thing with Halo 2, and they didn't turn out that way. (Halo 2 was supposed to be in HD, by the way)...And I am aware its in its beta stage now, but if the HD is gonna make a small difference.....Then they aren't pushing the 360 to its full potential.
well no
here is where yaz iz wrongz
when games are in hd, they read the tv has widescreen
games such as Rainbow Six and Dead Rising require are made for HDTVs, so on SDTVs they dont look as good and are very compressed
what they are saying is even if you have SDTV, it will look good and the text wont be compressed and what not
The Plague said:
Lol, a fanboy? And whats your username? Wiired? Oh wait, thats assuming things, like you were just doing to me..

I wasn't ASSUMING anything..These are FACTS..And were taken from Bungie's very own site....Ahh, I hate fanboys just as much as you do..

In fact, I don't even OWN A 360!!....I try my hardest not to be biased...I don't see how taking things that BUNGIE REPRESENTATIVES THEMSELVES SAID....Makes me a biased person. Whoo, i've had enough of fanboy hypocrites. :hand:
:lol: that's why I entered the warning of sarcasm :] and my comment was based on this sentence:
Well, those people might actually be right.
And due to those people's comments being opinions, it doesn't mean it will be true :] (p.s, apologies for maybe sounding harsh in last post)
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Wiired said:
:lol: that's why I entered the warning of sarcasm :] and my comment was based on this sentence:

And due to those people's comments being opinions, it doesn't mean it will be true :] (p.s, apologies for maybe sounding harsh in last post)

Lol, I understand you...And i'm sorry for being harsh as well...Its just that I have a short temper. :thumbsup:
The Plague said:
If you look at the weekly update...They mention that Halo 3 was meant to look nex-gen on any type of TV, HDTV or not, flat-screen or not, they want the graphics to look nex-gen...They said that having an HDTV will make a slight difference in the graphics...

So, if you've seen the beta footage that people have been ranting about..Saying things like "It looks like Halo 2 graphics" or "It looks like Halo 2.5"....

Well, those people might actually be right. The graphics might not get any better than that! :yikes:

They said it will look really good just like Gears of War looked. The Beta version is just a beta and Bungie said those are using Halo 2 graphics, but its not the final graphics it's just the BETA version, graphics will imrpove alot and you going to see the final built around august.
The Plague said:
It doesn't matter what they said 50 billion times.. It matters what they just said recently...This week. And they said the graphics will be slightly better in HD...

But, just look at the trailers for Halo 3 and Halo Wars..They look great...They did the same thing with Halo 2, and they didn't turn out that way. (Halo 2 was supposed to be in HD, by the way)...And I am aware its in its beta stage now, but if the HD is gonna make a small difference.....Then they aren't pushing the 360 to its full potential.
This week they said that HD will have little difference on the final graphics, what you saw in the video was the alpha, not even close to being final version

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