Japanese conference over: MEGATONS

Love the news! AND, keyboard compatibility for the Wii is finally here!
DS download station sounds good, would be even cooler, if you could download NES, SNES, TurbografX, and Megadrive games onto your DS! Of course you wouldn't be able to shut down your DS without losing the game, so, wouldn't work.
JT. said:
Love the news! AND, keyboard compatibility for the Wii is finally here!
DS download station sounds good, would be even cooler, if you could download NES, SNES, TurbografX, and Megadrive games onto your DS! Of course you wouldn't be able to shut down your DS without losing the game, so, wouldn't work.

Anything is possible. Nintendo would just need to develop a cartridge you could use with the ds that you could download and save the games on. Then you can play off said cartidge. The technology is possible, it just would need proper implementation.
It would be super simple to build a flash based cart for the DS with an end-to-end USB interface. Plug in the cart to the Wii, upload DS game via USB, plug into DS, play - and of course flash based would be non-volatile, so it would stay on the cart till it was removed (like the ActionReplay type setups).

Pretty neat stuff, thanks for the post!

devitek said:

Hey, did I miss an update? My keyboard works with the message board thing, but nothing else. Does it work with other stuff now?

If I'm understanding this latest update correctly you need to update the OS/Firmware with the 3.1 patch, and then re-download the browser for the patched version (call it 3.1 compliant) of the browser.

devitek u need to downlload the every1 votes channel and the internet channel in the wii shop channel in wiiware.

all that looks awesome hmm i dont much like sonic the hedgehog tho bcuz he looks like a betty spaghetti doll, and im really hoping the wiiware stuff doesnt cost alot but other than that... AWESOMEE!!
Well then, I'll give it a try tonight! That would make that browser so much more useful...then I wouldn't feel like I had just thrown money away.

Oh wait, I bought a gaming system. Nevermind.
Holy dang devitek 2 Bars of Rep for 18 Postes =o

Going to get me a USB Keyboard on the Black Friday Sale =] Going To Frys Electronics at 12 Midnight just to get in line....The stores are packed with on sale stuff =]
[DT] said:
It would be super simple to build a flash based cart for the DS with an end-to-end USB interface. Plug in the cart to the Wii, upload DS game via USB, plug into DS, play - and of course flash based would be non-volatile, so it would stay on the cart till it was removed (like the ActionReplay type setups).

Pretty neat stuff, thanks for the post!

My thoughts exactly, all except the part of the USB. Be better if this would take advantage of Wi-Fi or BluetTooth for this upload process, and would be less headache and mess.

Be nice to see either way though...

Curious about the Dr. Mario WiiWare thing, as I am guessing it will be a remake of the original. Guess we can also expect to see it's older brother in the VC line-up too come that time, which will be cool. Back in the day my "parental agreement" was they'd buy me the SNES if they could keep my current NES in trade, just so they could duel it out for hours on Dr. Mario. Good memories. :)
vi3tmix said:
There are more people 40+ playing wiis than those aged 18-24? :scared:

I am sure you are being sarcastic... it was a survey of 3003 people in Japan.
The numbers are relative to the sample size, but can reflect on the entire population of Wii owners.
LoganSix said:
I am sure you are being sarcastic... it was a survey of 3003 people in Japan.
The numbers are relative to the sample size, but can reflect on the entire population of Wii owners.

No, what I mean is the demographic you posted shows there are more people aged 40+ that own a Wii, than those between the ages of 18 and 24. No, what really surprised me was that people between the ages of 18 and 24 made up for a significantly smaller portion of the Wii owners under the age of 50.

It just wasn't what I expected. I always expected the gleeful reports that "the Wii was attracting gamers of all ages" just meant "older" generations were simply buying the console. I didn't expect them to actually own more Wiis than the young adults.

But I also didn't care to take notice that the sample size was 3,003. So...hmm....
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sagema said:
This means GBA(DS Demo Station) on VC is possible, that console keeps getting more BC than anyone thought possible! In sheer library size Nintendo will now have the largest ever made... eventually.

If they add Cloud or another Square character to Brawl, this would finalize the game as perfect. It looks like Nintendo is finally taking online gaming serious, a day I waited 8 years for. I don't need a hard core MMO, just a few really fun games is all I ever wanted. AKA Star Craft 2.

when i saw the referance to starcraft 2, i almost fell off the seat! CANT WAIT FOR SC2!

p.s i would up rep if i knew how.us and i totally agree with you on the few good games part.