Hudson WiiWare Line Up


Super Ninjarator
Apr 4, 2007
Wii Online Code

Hudson Soft is a well known Japanese electronic entertainment publisher and developer founded by two brothers (Yuji and Hiroshi Kudo) that started way back in 1973 as a normal store selling telecommunications devices and art photographs but quickly grew and soon started to developer computer games and ended up being Nintendo's first third party developer creating many hits such as Lode Runner and Hudson's most notable mascot Bomberman! They went on to produce many games such as the Mario Party series and many Bomberman sequels.

Hudson has now named and dated some of the ten announced games it has coming to Nintendo's downloadable content service, WiiWare. We finally have clarification on Bomberman Wii but there are more eye brow raisers in the current line up planned.

The rumoured Bomberman title will be released as a full retail game on a disk. The disk will include a single player mode which hasn't been explained how it will work, mini-games which have proven to be popular on the Nintendo wii console and a multi-player traditional battle mode. Hudson claimed that they will be releasing the Battle mode as a lone release on WiiWare. So if you want a smaller price tag, no single player adventure or mini-games then you'll be elated to know this. It'll be hitting the Japanese WiiWare in June, no word on NA or EU release.

Joy Sound
Joy sound, a previously mentioned WiiWare title, is no longer WiiWare as it will be shipped with peripheral accessories which obviously can't be purchased through download however additional songs will be available through WiiWare

Blue Oasis
Blue Oasis is a title that can only be described as a Endless ocean like game however in this title there is a fish tank which you tend to and admire. Not much is known about this title however it will be using the forecast channel. Hitting Japan this year but no month specified.

Tetris is still coming with 6 player online and 2 player co-op but it still has that traditional appeal and no crazy new aspects so it is shaping up to being a great WiiWare title. Hitting Japan this June.

Alien Crush
The retro classic Alien crush will be getting a shiny new build for our pleasure. After the original had some good sale figures on the VC this new will please many fans! It will have 3D graphics, a new board, 6 player online (6 Player online pinball...How will it work?) and online leader boards. Hitting Japan in August.

Hudson looks to have a stellar line up for Nintendo's downloadable service so stay tuned in the coming months for more information!​
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ROB64 said:
6 Player Tetris?

nice find:thumbsup:

Find? I wrote this.

Wiiware gets online goods?

Ho snap.

This could be good.
I might finally by wii points.

And dare I see Downloadble content? I think I do. Joy sound looks nifty.
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Trulen said:

Wiiware gets online goods?

Ho snap.

This could be good.
I might finally by wii points.

And dare I see Downloadble content? I think I do. Joy sound looks nifty.

Joy might be Japan's database apparantly is 20'000+ Japanese songs :X

Downloadable content was confirmed a while back when a developer said their puzzle game was getting extra levels, I forget which.
Games using channels I no longer use (like weather channels?) sounds pretty neat.

Hopefully it cuts back on the shovelware hitting the shelves, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't.
dang wheres NEW Adventure Island ,and NEW Bonk's Adventure...that's what I want to see then they need to bring back Neutopia ,and Legendary Axe as full 3D retail rebirths.
The rumoured Bomberman title will be released as a full retail game on a disk. The disk will include a single player mode which hasn't been explained how it will work, mini-games which have proven to be popular on the Nintendo wii console and a multi-player traditional battle mode. Hudson claimed that they will be releasing the Battle mode as a lone release on WiiWare. So if you want a smaller price tag, no single player adventure or mini-games then you'll be elated to know this. It'll be hitting the Japanese WiiWare in June, no word on NA or EU release.

Awesome!!! I will buy the retail disc. I love Bomberman and just turned my girlfriend onto it. And I got a copy of Bomberman2 for her NES. Bomberman2 for NES is the first game in the series that had multiplayer!

I'll probably also buy Alien Crush on WiiWare as I'd like a good pinball game with online leaderboards & multiplayer!

Wii is really starting to rock!!!

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