Is Zelda overrated?

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deity_link said:
To some extent I agree with you but if you think Rayman and Excite Truck are better :wtf:

I just find that the Wii is a social console - games like Rayman and Monkeyball are about playing with friends where TP feels like a port of a last gen console game:nono:
Spride said:
I just find that the Wii is a social console - games like Rayman and Monkeyball are about playing with friends where TP feels like a port of a last gen console game:nono:
Well it is a port... just flipped around and different controls.
Joe said:
No not at the least bit. If anything was overrated it was Gears of War, but thats off topic. Zelda was really enjoyable for the people who played previous Zelda games or just overall hard core gamers. Ive noticed they really tried to make this one stay very traditional...problem there is that there really isnt anything new....and THATS WHAT PEOPLE WANT NINTENDO!
I know this wasnt really as great as it was hyped to be.....but still best game Ive played that was released in 2006!
Oh and as for the replay value....well speak for yourself, Ive beaten it 4 times going on 5 soon!
meh, gears wasnt the one that half the reviewers gave 10/10

and most of you people who even say gears if overrated dont even own the game.....
Well I've always been a big fan of the Zelda games, and I have to say that Zelda:TP does not dissapoint. I really love slashing enemies with a "sword" in my hand :) . IMO not overrated at all.
TP definitely follows most of the old tradition and this definitely makes it appealing to someone like me. However it has many modern elements as well, it just flat out amazes me where they were able to take it.
I thought in some ways it was better then Oot and other Twilight Princess was better.
Sovieto said:
i think its a great game, but yah i think its overrated big time

i strongly agree

my reactions to the game

1st day
:cornut: my zeldas here!!!!!!!! (i didnt get it for christmas i got it after and completed it b4 any one else in my school woo)
2nd day
:ee5k: this is a bit easy...
ive nearly completed this thing!??

5th day (i skipped 4 i know)


this games so over rated, i thought they would make it harder not this!!! aftert completing it all theres to do is complete it again but why do that?

:mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :incazzato:

*did any one else feel this way?*
It definitely is much easier on difficulty than past versions, but this is a pleasant thing on some parts. A difficulty setting would have been a nice addition as far as that goes.
Great game, only innovative because of the controls.

Still, an excellent game. To each his own. I think WOW is overrated, yet some people would damage my defense with a +30 power orc twist.

I HATED ALL ZELDA GAMES. Especially the original on NES, but I really really like TP.
I dont think its over rated..I loved it.

I have only finished it once...but thats just because I enjoy exploring so much. I'm always on my completed file, riding around the fields, explorng caverns for more heart pieces, swimming and diving...

I adore the no way to my mind is it over rated...under if anything.
Sovieto said:
and most of you people who even say gears if overrated dont even own the game.....
I own is over rated. Most the people I know with it have even gone off the multiplayer.
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Jay61 said:
I dont think its over rated..I loved it.

I have only finished it once...but thats just because I enjoy exploring so much. I'm always on my completed file, riding around the fields, explorng caverns for more heart pieces, swimming and diving...

I adore the no way to my mind is it over rated...under if anything.I own is over rated. Most the people I know with it have even gone off the multiplayer.
have even gone off the multiplayer>?:confused:
whats that mean
Yeah I was surprised...they weregushing over it for a month and then...nothing...

Anyway...I do alot of fishing on Zelda too <3

Oh and diggin' round..and snowboarding..and assassinating bad guys with my bow...and more.
I think it is way overrated but IMO it's the best thing for any of the nex gens right now but between last-gen and back to the days of the NES there are millions of better games
Well put, Luz. This is indeed one of the most polished games out there. Few games have as many small details. My favorite game ever.

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