What Games Have You Beaten?

I have beaten the following:
- Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Red Steel
- Excite Truck
And others I can't remember at this moment in time.
Wii Sports (all gold training medals, all pro)
(almost) Wii Play (all gold medals except for 2 games)
DKC (virtual console)

Those are the only three games I have right now. :p
My list:

Excite Truck
GodFather Blackhand Edition
Wii Play(all medals)
Wii Sports(at least 1000 skill points in all sports)

Super Mario Bros.
Street Fighter II: World Warrior(Beaten it w/ Ryu, Ken, Blanka, Guile, and Chun-Li)
Donkey Kong(a bajillion times)
Donkey Kong Jr.(a bajillion times)

Currently Working On:
Konquest Mode of Mortal Kombat Armageddon. afterwards I will work towards a 100% complete Krypt.
I just finished Shrek the Third. Over all I thought it was a pretty fun game and would recommend it to my friends. Just got my console last Friday so this is the only game Ive beaten.
Well, Zelda, for one.

And the only one. I don't count Wario Ware since... It really wasn't all that difficult...

The only other games I got you can beat are REd STeel and Excit Truck..
Man those games are hard.
For me anyways.

AndI got Wii Pllay and Wii sPorts...

But... Yeah. You can't beat those. Not that I think of anyways.
Okay, okay, okay:

I has beaten:

Zelda: TP
Super Mario Bros 1, 2, and 3.
Luigi's Mansion
About 8 pokemon games
Dragonball Z BT2
Call O' Duty 3
Destroy All Humans
Mario Kart DD
Super Smash Bros Melee
Pikmin 1 and 2

....that's all my memory will tell me.