Is WiiChat.... dying?

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One of the many ongoing frustrations...
This site seems to die during the summer months and picks up in the winter..

It's really just a continuous cycle.
Somebody else does use it. You'd be surprised about how many things you can't do with it though (you can't even IP ban!).

<Syntax words>

That I can see

Can something be done about Godwinds viral advertising in every one of his recent posts?

Once or twice
Not arsed
Every post ARSED!
One of the many ongoing frustrations...
This site seems to die during the summer months and picks up in the winter..

It's really just a continuous cycle.
Except that the virtually complete lack of mods and total lack of admins is not part of the normal "cycle", and a new factor.

So what if there are an influx of users come winter? Who's going to moderate them? Who's going to ban them? Who's going to prevent the spam? Who's going to organize messages into the proper boards, create new boards as-needed, update the news page so the latest news isn't a year old, etc?

It takes more than users posting to make a forum work.
It takes more than users posting to make a forum work.
It takes more than a load of mods to make a forum work.

(unless its a the noob fest that is Gaia online)
It takes more than a load of mods to make a forum work.
Agreed. Which is why WiiChat's death began when the admin abandoned it, but there were still mods.

- Mods can't make new boards
- Mods can't ban by IP
- Mods leave due to life issues or disenchanted with lack of admin
- Mods can't make new mods to replace mods that leave
- Mods can't pay the bills necessary to keep the site up
Agreed. Which is why WiiChat's death began when the admin abandoned it, but there were still mods.

- Mods can't make new boards
- Mods can't ban by IP
- Mods leave due to life issues or disenchanted with lack of admin
- Mods can't make new mods to replace mods that leave
- Mods can't pay the bills necessary to keep the site up
We kinda know all this stuff already.
It starting to sound like broken record syndrome(or any song thats played on some of these local stations).

The site is paid for by the adds that are on it (I'm thinking i0n is making money off the site or it would of been off-line a while ago no need to keep something that costs money).

People have lives outside the internet.
Well most do.
If they didn't 4chan wouldn't be as busy as it is.
The site is paid for by the adds that are on it (I'm thinking i0n is making money off the site or it would of been off-line a while ago no need to keep something that costs money).

The site might be indirectly paid for that way, but there's no direct and automatic pipe that's funneling that ad revenue to the DNS registrar or the web hosting company.

DNS names are cheap and often paid to cover several years at once. will expire on April 27th, 2010 unless i0n comes back from the dead and renews it, regardless of ad revenue.

Web hosting is almost always paid for a year at a time, at least. Month-to-month is virtually unheard of except for temporary projects since it costs so much more. Wiichat's web hosting company is LiquidWeb. Since WiiChat is running on a dedicated server, it's costing him at least $2268/year. I have no way to figure out when it expires, but with at least a year paid at a time, the fact that it's still running does not mean someone is still around paying the bills. All that ad revenue could still be just piling up in i0n's advertiser account.

As someone who runs websites yourself, you should know how all this works. ;) But I post this for everyone else's benefit.
<Read his above text>
Paid for internet sites.

How is mine paid for?

I don't pay for it.
You think I'd keep a site that gets about 5 page views a week if I had to pay for it?

Coming up -
It becomes a porn site where I con people out of there money with some kinda paid thingy's
I kind of stopped coming here when I stopped playing my Wii. There really hasn't been any games worthwhile to me in awhile.

Im so depressed......
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