Is WiiChat.... dying?

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maaaannnnnn, you guys are too worried about this. i can remember back when i stopped coming here as frequently, when half the users in the lounge left for that other wii forum... maybe a year ago? not sure. either way, you all were on the same subject about how wiichat is doomed because i0n is hardly ever here, and all this other random stuff that i don't care enough about...

idk... maybe this is a crazy idea, but why dont you all just move on? this forum will not exist if it keeps on going on the same path as it is right now, so why not make the most of it? i pop in here a couple of times every month, and its still the same boring **** threads as the last time. makes me wonder why i still have this place bookmarked. :lol:

the main point im trying to make though, is nobody really wants to hear about this stuff... and im SURE no new member wants to join a forum and talk with people as depressing as you guys. so, idk.. take what i said how you want to, but i think its pretty honest on the current state of this place...

Im so depressed......


Wiichat isn't dead :D
*chokes up tears and slowly reaches for his gun, knowing the fate will be final*

Well, time to put this girl down.
WiiChat isnt dyin:nono::shifty:
Why? Simply because you say it isn't?

why would u even say such a thing
Did you read this thread at all? It's been explained several times over.

There's no admin. Period. He abandoned the site back in Feb. Please explain how a site with no one to run it isn't going to "die", considering all the evidence that's been brought up to the contrary (please read this thread in its entirety).

WiiChat is a boat set adrift where the captain has abandoned ship. Sure, it's been just floating along for a few months now, but most of the crew and passengers have recognized the situation and taken a lifeboat to another ship, and eventually the S.S. WiiChat is going to either run-aground, sink, or rot away. There's no one at the helm and the door to the helm is welded shut. There's no one to steer, no one to patch leaks, and no one to refill the gas tank.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves. Even 1000 users here wanting it otherwise isn't going to change the raw cruel facts above. 1000 users crying "WiiChat isn't dead!" won't pay the bills, update the news page, ban spammers' IPs or create new subboards. There is no admin and all but one mod left, and that mod can hardly do anything here because the admin didn't give the mods hardly any power.
^LuigiKart3 this is the guy who tells everyone that WiiChat is dying. He's worst than a Jehovas Witness DX

What part of what I said is incorrect?

Just curious. Please tell us when i0n is coming back, or anything he's done on the site since Feb, since you apparently know otherwise.

Those are the facts. If someone can prove them wrong, please enlighten us. Otherwise it's the ugly truth, and calling me names doesn't really change that.

Instead of using gradeschool playground debating methods, just explain to us how a site can survive with no admin and no one to run things. Show us your evidence that contradicts the facts above.

Oh, and for what it's worth: I didn't start this thread, and it went on for many pages before I posted anything.
Just stop Sremick.
Nobody gives a **** that WiiChat may be dying.
All you do is ***** about ion not being here.
I stopped reading your posts when you got repetitive.
You telling us that WiiChat is dying is like saying that Santa Claus is not real. You may get sad but nobody cares later on.
Just stop Sremick.
Nobody gives a **** that WiiChat may be dying.
All you do is ***** about ion not being here.
I stopped reading your posts when you got repetitive.
You telling us that WiiChat is dying is like saying that Santa Claus is not real. You may get sad but nobody cares later on.

And it got double posted >_<
I'm not gonna stop reading the thread it's that each time you post something that has to do with Ninstation or ion I'm like STFU!
Then you're trolling.

I've been specifically talking about this site. And the absence of i0n (WiiChat's one and only admin) is very much relevant to the topic of this thread. In fact, I'd be very interested in your reasoning why talking about i0n is off-topic on this thread.

Again, if you don't like this topic, don't read it. If you have something constructive to contribute, post it. Otherwise, you're trolling.
I agree with Sremick. However, WiiChat isn't dying its DIED!

There's no Admin, as Sremick said he abandoned this site in February and hasn't returned.

There's basically 1 mod left and he can't run this site on his own since he has NO power what so ever except for locking threads or editing them.

Better to just crash the site, leave and find a new home. This place is already over infested with n00bs as it is! Just abandon WiiChat and lets go somewhere else!

EDIT: One last thing, GCommander stop dissing Sremick. He's been here longer than you have and he has shown the facts very clear that its better to leave!
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