Is there going to be a new Nintendo console?

Not for a long time, with the technology around now there is no need for another console. With wifi nintendo can send updated through your machine :p
The ds does seem kinda worn out.I can see them coming out with another gameboy in 2010.
TiwazTyrsfist said:
Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of the Thought control interface headset for Second Life that some guys (at MIT IIRC) made.

Not VR and Not detecting your bodies movements, but rather detecting your intentions and implementing them in game.

I.E. you think about running, and the character runs. You think about attacking and the character attacks. You worry about what you have equiped and the inventory pane opens. That sort of thing.

what if your thinking about sex, what does ur chracter do then?
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I just hope that a new console doesn't come out yet. I have had my wii for 7 months.
they wont make another one for awhile but the next one they are going to have a hdd or more internal memory!
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  • #82
I want the wii to stay for a while.
the wii will be here until about 2012 or even longer if nintendo feels like it.
not with graphics like these because everyone mostly who likes videogames will have hdtvs by atleast 2010
No worries people! Nintendo follows the console maker rule book of coming out with a console every 4-5 years. Things that are not important for nintendo. Compactness and powerful tech that combines PF work for physics and possible upgrades to the sensors of the Wii-mote. Efficiency is the main thing with these guys. They don't believe in brute force which is some thing that is bricking a lot of xboxs. The funny thing is what are they going to bring next? The Wii-mote thing started late in the life of the GC and now look what they have! The key is knowing what nintendo's R&D guys are up to. Then looking at what is on the horizon. Like I said before the HD tech could be used for graphics yet I think we will get an excess of power that can be used for other thing also. It may not seem like nintendo isn't listening to hardcore gamers yet they are only filtering out the bad ideas business wise. They are trying to do on line and HD gaming was as simple as making you pay and extra 100-200 dollars for this system yet they knew we loved it yet could not afford it. If you can then cool yet most people can not.

By the time the next Wii comes out how many new GPU techs will be floating around. I mean Ati and Nvidia are in a bigger battle and I not sure whats next on the graphic from. That battle will prove the next round of console with their tech. Other wise the next console will be all on the same stage as each other because 8800s will be atleast 100 retail by 2011. I mean really once gaming gets to this level will it even matter who is more powerful?
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What do you think the price might be for the new one?
no way to even guess the price untill we get some insight into what they are planning to put into it.
But if trends and inflation keep up i would guess 300-400 range would be the lowest price for the next gen consoles...
Nintendo has only went over the $200 plateau with one console.. and that console is obviously the Wii. And, if you get rid of the Wii Sports game, it probably would have been $225. So, my guess for the price of Nintendo's next true console: $250.

(The next Wii Model will be less than $250)
Hard to say they have always launched at 199.99 untill now...

The Wii was the first to break the 200 mark but if they want to stay ontop i think they will have to offer graphics with gameplay to compete... Although they will have the money to loose being nintendo they won't.. They always profit! I would bet atleast 250 if not more.
Although we are talking 4 years from now with inflation and the price of the other consoles i bet it will still be the cheepest New Gen on the market at launch... Nintendo has always been good about that aswell...

Atari VCS launched in 1977 for $249.99
Nintendo Entertainment System launched in 1985 for $199.99
SEGA Genesis launched in 1989 for $249.99
NeoGeo launched in 1990 for $699.99
Super Nintendo launched in 1991 for $199.99
Jaguar launched in 1993 for $249.99
3DO Interactive Multiplayer launched in 1993 for $699.95
SEGA Saturn launched in 1995 for $399.99 $497.66
PlayStation launched in 1995 for $299.99
Nintendo 64 launched in 1996 for $199.99
SEGA Dreamcast launches in 1999 for $199.99
PlayStation 2 launched in 2000 for $299.99
Xbox Launched in 2001 for $299.99
GameCube launched in 2001 for $199.99
Xbox 360 Launched in 2005 for 299.99-399.99
Nintendo Wii launched in 2006 for 249.99
PlayStation 3 launched in 2006 for 499.99-599.99

So Nintendo has always been good about giving its consumers the best price compared to its competitors all though i doubt it will stay as cheep as we are use to with newer technology popping up and becoming popular like HD.
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Consoles only last, on average, 5 years:

NES- Oct. 18, 1985
SNES- August 13, 1991
N64- September 29, 1996
GCN- November 18, 2001
Wii- November 19, 2006

(All of these have been the US/North American Release date)

As you can see, late 2011-mid 2012 is when the next console will come out.

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