Is there going to be a new Nintendo console?

I would rather see an external hard drive and headset support. (Both of which will be announced on Jan. 27 and Dec. 18 respectively) I really care very little about the wii's graphics at the moment. I mean, I do have a 360, but graphics have never been a huge thing to me.
nic7 said:
I would rather see an external hard drive and headset support. (Both of which will be announced on Jan. 27 and Dec. 18 respectively) I really care very little about the wii's graphics at the moment. I mean, I do have a 360, but graphics have never been a huge thing to me.

Wii's Graphics are not bad in games, and the gameplay is pretty solid as well.
I'm satisfied.
I would rather see an external hard drive and headset support. (Both of which will be announced on Jan. 27 and Dec. 18 respectively)

Source? and yeah the Wiis got a good 4-5 years till the nex gen comes out.
D1nner said:
Source? and yeah the Wiis got a good 4-5 years till the nex gen comes out.

go look in a store. nintendo licenced headsets that can be used on wii or ds
go look in a store. nintendo licenced headsets that can be used on wii or ds

Those ones dont connect to the Wii. And besides he said the official Wii headset was to be announced Dec 18 so I was just wondering.
D1nner said:
Those ones dont connect to the Wii. And besides he said the official Wii headset was to be announced Dec 18 so I was just wondering.

you are kidding
RadNad said:
Similar to something like this? It's made by a fan, but looks awesome.

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of the Thought control interface headset for Second Life that some guys (at MIT IIRC) made.

Not VR and Not detecting your bodies movements, but rather detecting your intentions and implementing them in game.

I.E. you think about running, and the character runs. You think about attacking and the character attacks. You worry about what you have equiped and the inventory pane opens. That sort of thing.

Some Links:
Fox News Article on Brain Interface Gaming.
RealTech News on the same sort of thing.
D1nner said:
Source? and yeah the Wiis got a good 4-5 years till the nex gen comes out.

lol, I was just messing around. Think about it. That would be Nintendo announcing that they were going to announce something. Would make zero sense.
TiwazTyrsfist said:
Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of the Thought control interface headset for Second Life that some guys (at MIT IIRC) made.

Not VR and Not detecting your bodies movements, but rather detecting your intentions and implementing them in game.

I.E. you think about running, and the character runs. You think about attacking and the character attacks. You worry about what you have equiped and the inventory pane opens. That sort of thing.

Some Links:
Fox News Article on Brain Interface Gaming.
RealTech News on the same sort of thing.

Yes. I saw this from a freind! quite facinating! I hope one day we see this kinda of interface in games!
In about 2 years I wouldn't write-off the possibility of Nintendo releasing a HD version of the Wii with updated hardware. That however would cause many people to feel left out when they'd be unable to experience the Wii in a more visually appealing setting. Is it possible for there to be a "high performance" or "low performance" option within the game? Or would 2 different game discs be required?

Regardless, the possible upgrade would undoubtably involve GPU enhancement, more flash memory (or an HD), DVD playback perhaps, maybe some other features. At that point in time the costs of todays HD technology should be much cheaper (other relevant economic factors need to be considered too, more on that)--b/c by then graphical technology is going to be even more amazing. However, from a business standpoint, after more R&D (on the upgrade) and then modifying Nintendo's current production facilities and assembly line to accommodate the manufacturing of an HD Wii it may not be profitable enough for Nintendo to pursue such a venture (I don't know what their marginal revenue on the Wii is, it changes from each additional item produced.) I'd have to look at some graphs to get a good idea as to what's going on. They say that make "X" dollars on each Wii made but that is just a generalized answer. In actuality they make less and less on each additional item produced. There are so many variable costs involved. Some of the variable costs pertain to the markets of the inputs used to manufacture the Wii other variable costs include other worldwide free market forces that pertain to Nintendo. Anyways, production takes place until MR = MC (it is a profit maximization technique, tried and true.) The current worldwide demand for the Wii is slightly inelastic and as we all know there is still quite a shortage. Excess demand, limited supply. Every unit leaving the production facility is pretty much already sold. If anybody has taken any lower-level economics courses you'd understand what I am referring to. I'm not going to go into further detail or draw any graphs. I could but it is not worth my time. Writing this post is not worth my time but I have gone this far so I may as well continue. I'm used to getting paid to think but since we're all friends here, I'm going to share my economic insight free of charge! :D BTW, this topic would have made an excellent final thesis for my degree. What I am stating here is not completely thought out, but it IS well thought out--using principles I have learned over the years. A complete analysis such as this would take many, many hours to perform.

Anyways, shortly thereafter an updated Wii, Nintendo would probably be looking to releasing a whole new console altogether, after much R&D. They may want to allocate their resources towards a NEW product rather than upgrading a current product--R&D is costly. At the end of the day, a lot of the time and money that goes into a new product doesn't even end up in the final version of the product itself, like prototypes that get bagged. I doubt Nintendo would want to build more production facilities for their "new" console when they could convert their other facilities to produce them, but who knows? This topic is hard to debate as there are so many relevant business/economic forces taking place here that we as consumers cannot accurately speculate any of this, but hey, this IS a discussion. We cannot view their balance sheet--anybody own Nintendo stock? I ALMOST invested $5,000 in Nintendo stock right before the Wii's release--I should have. We do not know their long-term plans. The fundamental rule of business is profit maximization in the LONG RUN (for those of you without business training "long run" means the long haul, several decades, centuries, however long the human race lasts) and I am sure that they have a strategy in place. A business is a life form and Nintendo wants to feed it, as it feeds their employees families, and it feeds the needs of video game market consumers. Another concern would be the creation of a rift b/w the Wii 2.0 and the original Wii owners. S.W.O.T analysis anyone? A new Wii release could cause people to be hesitant to purchase their next-generation console in fear of the very same thing from happening. As a Nintendo fan I hope to see a HD Wii sometime (before their NEXT generation console release), as a professional economist, I am unsure that there will be enough of an incentive for Nintendo to pull the trigger on such a move.

There are numerous things to consider while we sit here and talk on and on about what Nintendo is going to do. I am starting to get a headache and am going to throw in the towel at this point. I hope you all have leaned a little bit about big business as a result of my ramble. Economics is a pretty fun subject, it helps you understand why things are they way they are. It also helps you theorize (pretty accurately) the future! Stay in school kids. School is cool! haha.....

Time for MoHH2 online hopefully some people will still be playing! lol.....
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lol, I was just messing around. Think about it. That would be Nintendo announcing that they were going to announce something. Would make zero sense.

Oh lol. Was thinking more along the lines of someone that works in Nintendo leaking the info.
I was thinking this today in school.
Nintendo could be calling er' quits, or gives me a reason to think so anyway

If you think about it, they've been around a while.
And the Wii is a decent little machine that is selling wonders, combining its Wii games, with old games from Nintendo's past as well as the gamecube, making their whole library accessible pretty much, summing all their work into one thing.

But it could also have an underlying meaning.
Nintendo put all that together to pull off something really big that no one would have ever dreamed of seeing.

Hopefully the last part ends up being correct :lol:

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