Is there an chance of a game like "Saints Row,GTA" Happening on the Wii?

What about DRIVER!

didnt heard about it that much but I guess it will be a GTA style game...
nintendo wont go to far from there games.. although they have had some mature games... i still play conkers bad fur day all the time on n64.. funniest game for that system... i doubt leisure suit larry will hit the Wii but if playstation continues to fall then Wii will probably snatch up some more of the "mature" titles just for sales and to compete with xbox... i wouldnt expect it anytime soon but in the next 6-9 months when they get a feel for where each console stands.. if Wii is still doing good they will toss some money for some good 3rd party games...
I'm pretty sure that I read in my Ninty Power that MP3 will go in the same direction as MP:H. That is to say, more actiony because of the new controls.
Hell No!
Microsoft would kill before losing those exclusives. Don't count on it... at all.. in fact don't even think about it... just forget you ever posted this...
dude read it... hes not saying thouse titles hes saying titles like them... and with play station hurting... Wii could eaisily pick up the GTA title with the money its pulling in.. they all have there own exclusive 1st and 2nd partys but all the 3rd partys are up for grabs.... they dont care which system it goes on or what kinda graphics it has.. dont joke yourself into thinking thats whats going to swing there decision on who to make a game for... its whos gonna sell the most games.. they have bills to pay not other gaming geeks to impress... thats buisness kids...
guys and gals you all are down playing the wiis power big it as powerful as the ps3 or 360 no but those 2 consoles arent that much more powerful than the wii.the wii will launch a couple nice up grades in the near future(3 to 6)months from now to make alot here change their tunes.will it ever been as powerful as the other 2 no,but it will and is close.
fewfirstchoice said:
guys and gals you all are down playing the wiis power big it as powerful as the ps3 or 360 no but those 2 consoles arent that much more powerful than the wii.the wii will launch a couple nice up grades in the near future(3 to 6)months from now to make alot here change their tunes.will it ever been as powerful as the other 2 no,but it will and is close.
No, they are a lot more powerful than the Wii... but the Wii isn't being pushed to it's limits right now.
Godfather = GTA game ( No More Heroes is not a GTA style game, but does have all the free roaming qaulities )

Metroid Prime 3 does not = Halo, see Halo is more a multiplayer based game, where as Metroid Prime is alot more sophisticated , puzzles etc.

And for all the people that say there isnt any mature games on the Wii, the mature game will be No More Heroes, the developer said he promises to make it more violent than Manhunt 2, i think that is enough said.

EDIT: The Wii is a bit more powerful than the Xbox, when you play Super Mario Galixy's and Metroid Prime 3 you will than be surprised at what the Wii can do, the only thing the Wii cant do as well as the Xbox is lighting effects.
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you guys just keep thinkin the wii isnt nowhere near as powerful as the other the wii as powerful no,but its not as far behind as many here think it is.when we start sending out the updates that really show the wiis power many here will drool with envy.
power doesnt matter.. i dont know why you guys dont get this.. sure the PS3 and xbox 360 are more powerful graphics wise...

but if you were a 3rd party company selling games on whichever system decides to take you... which would you make it for..

the 360 out for quite some time sold.. has sold a little over 10 million units.

the PS3 out for little over 3 months and its sold less than 2 million units

the Wii last one out at 3 months out and has sold almost 5 million units

ok now just based on whats out now.. you would eaither pic 360 or Wii for your game or both.. why cause your not going to make much money on the slow selling PS3 collecting dust
360's are on the shelf but still selling pretty well
Wii's cant stay ont he shelf and they sell everyone that hits the store in hours..

so just based on how many systems are in the consumers hands will rely on who you make games for.. after the game is made rights are bought.. ect.. lets say the 3rd party company makes 15 bucks for every title if that..
what system would you put it out on? which would give you the better chance of making money

graphics has nothing to do with it at all.. no company is going to risk its buisness just so they can have the rep of a good high graphic game.. out of 10 games they might sacrafice one to get awards and not money.. but when it comes down to it its buisness not gamers rep they want...
and i dont care how many different software companies you have seen say they wont release games on Wii, when it comes to paying the bills and keeping there job they will hope to god they can get in the good graces of nintendo or MS just so they can stay alive
Power does matter, im not saying that crap games can only be made on the Wii because of its hardware because thats not true, brilliant games can and are being made for the Wii but the hardware does limit developers for what they can and cant do.
but they arnt going to make games for a system not selling... they are going to make games for one that will make them money... so if it cant keep up they will just tone it down a notch..

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