Games you'd like to see ported to wii..?

NubHugs said:
Dead Rising would have been good for the Wii...


Either that or a new game called

The Lumberjack

which involves cutting down trees using various tree felling tools...


HalfLife 2 Series gets my vote...
BrandonMcAuslan said:
How about dark messiah of might and magic? played a demo on my pc - it was good but insanely hard (at least for me).
The control system would work well with the wii again - nunchaku for blocking... Throwing items at enemies would be cool with the remote too...
If you had 2 wiimotes you could strap one to your leg for kicking enemies in combat, lol.

(kicking enemies off platforms and into traps features heavily in dark messiah)

Dark Might is a 10 gb game. Meaning it would have to be at least 2 discs. That would be lame.
Black 4 Wii !!!!!

A next-gen edition of Criterion Games' powerful first-person shooter. Announced in Electronic Arts' Fiscal Year 2007 plan statement, the company has not clarified whether this first next-gen version is a sequel or expansion on the original PS2/Xbox game. The company has also not yet announced platform plans.
just had a thought, black and white would be great on wii. it would be great throghing rocks with the wiimote, all the games you guys are talking about sound really cool
Gears of War, Oblivion, and WoW

Well, WoW would be hard with just a Wiimote and Nunchuk, but still, there's got to be some way to put it on there.