internet help an questions as to why?


WiiChat Member
Dec 25, 2009
hi all

-if i have a computer already hooked up to the same tv as the wii why would I want the wii internet channel hooked up? right? or am i missing something?

-if i do want wii internet to surf whats the best way to get the best internet experience out of it and will it ever match my computer in terms of surfing etc...?

-should i and could i download the internet channel to an sd card so i do not take up so many blocks on the wii?

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That was one weird response. What was that. Glad the mods deleted it. Thanks!
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hi all

-if i have a computer already hooked up to the same tv as the wii why would I want the wii internet channel hooked up? right? or am i missing something?

You may still want the Internet connection on the Wii so you can play games online.

-if i do want wii internet to surf whats the best way to get the best internet experience out of it and will it ever match my computer in terms of surfing etc...?

The Internet Channel is much more limited than a web browser on a computer. If you don't have to use it then you should use the computer.

-should i and could i download the internet channel to an sd card so i do not take up so many blocks on the wii?


You could just delete it and download it again if you want it (it's free now).

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