Question about internet connection

Scuba Kid

WiiChat Member
Nov 5, 2006
Wii Online Code
I have a D Link wireless since i have the wireless internet already hooked up for my computers that the wii needs, will it automatically be hooked up to the internet out of the box (because it can read the d link router or something?) or do i need some other add on? If i don't, will the wii be able to read the wireless internet connection if the D Link router is one story up? (The wii will be in my living room and the d link router is in one of the bedrooms)
sorry if this is a totally moronic question, im just really confused about the Wii internet stuff.

nope good post, the wii will come with a setup disk, and should pick up your signal right out the box. Online in no time, but you gotta get the opera browser prurchased, with wii cards for you kids, or us grown ups will use good ol credit cards. It will be interseting to see how many games will be online on day1
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Hehe, im one of the kids...well teens. 16 :p

anywho, i believe im all set with the opera browser because its free until June. :D
Scuba Kid said:
Hehe, im one of the kids...well teens. 16 :p

anywho, i believe im all set with the opera browser because its free until June. :D


One of the summer months.

Though I bet'cha that internet will be better done on the computer. 'Cause I bet'cha it'd be weird suring the net with a wiimote.
Scuba Kid said:
Hehe, im one of the kids...well teens. 16 :p

anywho, i believe im all set with the opera browser because its free until June. :D

should be fine unless you have a big house and ur room and the internet are on opposite sides of the house :p
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Nah, it's not too bad. actually, the D Link router will be directly above the Wii upstairs.
Thanks everyone for helping me out. :)

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