Insomniacs assemble!!

Xenoblade is a game I should try sometime.

I think Bieber has talent, but I don't care for his music....then again, I dunno if I've even heard a song of his. Best not be hating just because everyone else hates him. Same with Twilight, really....
Good =\= Enjoyable to listen to. Like it or not, he is a good singer
Good actually means enjoyable or likeable as an adjective. In spite of popular belief, the problem with Bieber's songs is the singer himself, not the music. Twilight is just a failure as either horror or romance.
1. morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man.
2. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.
3. of high quality; excellent

I rest my case.
I gotta say, I agree with J on th---

On another note, I hate Groose.

Sure, everyone hates Groose. He's supposed to be someone to dislike. In the end though, he became my favorite character in the game.
[strike]Anyone who hates Groose should be shot down.[/strike]

A lot of people like Groose, from what I've seen.
New RUSH album!
new RUSH album!
I have the new RUSH album!
I have the new RUSH album!
- Okay everyone, stop panicking! My internet is working once more. YOUR FAVORITE 'KARP WITH A BAN HAMMER IS BACK! <3

- A trashy PC only a year or two older than mine was given to me the day this one temporarily stopped working. Ironically, even my computer geek of a friend can't get anythin' internet-related to work on it.


Hate early mornings

I hate whenever I wake up...

[STRIKE]That sounds terribly emo.[/STRIKE]

bieber is a good singer.


Same with Twilight, really....

No, you definitely need to hate on Twilight as well. :p

On another note, I hate Groose.


Back from a really long break. So yeah. What's up?

ohai Bryce.
Beiber is talented. His music sucks.

So.. Nick has gotten me addicted to SS. I know what I'm doing almost every night for a while.

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