Insomniacs assemble!!

Respect your seniors, amateur. You damn-well know I'm a retired tourny player. A little? **** that noise. I'mma take a page outta your book; I've forgotten more 'bout yougayhoes than you'll ever know.

And even then, I still know more than you currently do. ;)

3 things:
1. You stole my saying! DANG YOU.
2. I know more about the current Meta than you, and that's what is important.
3. This Meta is "a mess" moreso than it's a push for change. Once you understand that, you'll be fine.

In other news:
My brother got me SFxT for a week.

I love it.
No, I quit competitively due to financial reasons back in '06. I've played up until recently with proxies and borrowing decks; now, I'm just ****in' done with Yugioh as a whole right now. I'll still grab the DS game since it's the only TCG I've ever really been attached to (there ain't too many other TCG options in the video game department regardless...), but for the past few years, Konami has been giving less of a ****. It's become entirely apparent roughly a year ago, and now they don't give any shits seemingly.

Maybe it'l recover in the future, but I highly doubt it. It's one incredibly unbalanced strategy after another ever since TeleDAD (me mentioning TeleDAD is becoming a pattern, ain't it? :lol: ). It all started with Yata-locking, but that was handled post haste. Every once in awhile there is a broken combination Konami didn't expect, sure. But nowadays, every ****in' format there's a literally metagame-breaking new deck. Every new pack, there's a broken-ass card that tops previously unreachable prices for a single card.

... And personally, I'm still salty 'bout BLS. I ain't gonna stop sayin' that even though this is probably the 10th time, neither. :p
I cannot think of a "broken" deck right now. Yes, there are 3 slightly over powered decks, but that's because they're new. It makes sense.

BLS is dumb to be back, but it's not too bad. I don't really have complaints about the ban list/current metagame.

By the way, a guy got top 32 at YCS Dallas using Chaos BLACKWINGS.
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I cannot think of a "broken" deck right now.

When it comes to a metagame, I define "broken" as either overcentralizing or overpowered. If Dinowabbits ain't one of those two to you, god save your soul...

By the way, a guy got top 32 at YCS Dallas using Chaos BLACKWINGS.

Top 32? ... Well good for him. :lol:
Then Chaos Dragons are just as, if not more, broken. Inzektors are up there as well. I define broken as Yata-Garasu.

He's got some balls going into a YCS with Blackwings.
I don't know enough 'bout Chaos Dragons to say one thing or the other... nor Inzektors, really.

Yata definitely ain't a broken card, it's a douche bag card. Just like other key cards that fuel OTKs, like Magical Explosion. However, Chaos Emperor is broken; and with a Witch/Sangan, it becomes ridiculously more broken.
Yata-Lock is broken. Too many different ways to abuse it. The CED way is by far the easiest.

Destruction Ring is also a broken card.
A card in itself should be decided as broken through it's combination of effects, ATK/DEF for monsters, ease of use, and splashability. Yata's effect is good, but everything else sucks. Destruction Ring is the same way really, though it's far more splashable (and much more close to broken as a result).

So by technical definition, one shouldn't call a card broken if it's a part of a broken strategy either. Hence why I only refer to Yata as broken when in the context of a Yata lock, not on it's own.

... I ran a BEUD Destruction Ring OTK back when it was legal, y'know. :D Only for tournies with a big pot, of course. OTK decks aren't at all fun. That, and they're downright disrespectful IMO. Most of 'em are very autopilot.
So how about that TWEWY 2? huh Nintendo? Why didn't you show it on E3 this year?
- Gee, it sure is boring around here! I wonder what i0n's up to?
- Sony and Microsod didn't have anythin' leaked over next gen stuff yet, did they?

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