I still keep an eye out for new posts and any messages I get sent. I'm not really one for nostalgia these days but if forums like this get popular again I'll be here to help out.
Was up the road from me (and round a few corners)
No idea who Aria Granda is
My local city is more unified than ever
The two local football team (Manchester city and United) put aside there differences
ALL RELIGIONS are becoming unified in there hatred for those that use it as an excuse for being a dick
What they are trying to do is not working
They are only able to recruit the dim
I don't remember the last time I logged in but here I am again. A wave of nostalgia rushing over me. I'm cringing pretty hard,reading some of my old posts.
At the bat of an eye this layout change don't seem half bad... I can't tell if my memory'a the old layouts has gone t' **** (it has) or if my cynicism's gone soft.