Insomniacs assemble!!



Thighs are now prohibited. Bayonetta made it in. I wonder if they went full burka on her.

Edit: 2 left feet!
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The V bikini design her suit takes on when she uses stronger attacks has of course been modified to a slightly less revealing outfit but she's still showing plenty of skin. And her attitude and movements are still heavily over-sexualized.
And thats a problem why?

This isnt Mikas arse slap being angled out (some female wrestlers do this)

In other news

forum image hosting
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Of course it's not a problem. Just in reply to WiiAssasin's post. I mean what do I look like, Anita Sarkeesian? :ihih:
A girl with waaaay to much make up on

She dont even play games and thinks her "research" on females in games is 100% accurate
hey man

ive just never played the games
I guess that's acceptable... no it's ****ing not, buy the game and experience the strange phenomenon about sneaking around and saving the world

I am about to gift my house-mate, who also hasn't played them, with Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain.

Besides having Steam, there are only a few games I can justify buying digital if that's the only way to get them (mostly indie games). But the chances are very unlikely. I'd just rather have a physical copy so I can horde all the boxes and stare at my collection. (much like my collectaibles, amiibo, and other things)

A girl with waaaay to much make up on

She dont even play games and thinks her "research" on females in games is 100% accurate
Who even supports her? She's not helping anything, only setting up more stereotypes. She isn't mainstream media again now, is she? Please no.

Guys, I need help. About to send a package and I need a joke.
Preferably one more akin to Smash/amiibo than Fire Emblem because I'm sure as hell he hasn't played a single FE game, but is more in tune with Smash.
Needs to be short as I'm hand writing it and may need the space.

Here's what I was gonna write: (don't complain about my terrible drawing, it was a quick doodle okay)

Marth: Hey Ike, would you prefer [giftee's name] to open you or leave you stuck in that plastic cage?
Ike: Up + B
Marth: W-what?
Ike: Aether.
Marth: -facepalms, loud groan-
Feminist gamer bloggers?

You know the ones
The type that complain about games they will never play
^I immediately thought about SSsniperwolf lol Everyone knows how much of a fake that "gamer girl" is. In relation to sm4sh news I'm a bit disappointed in the "last dedicated sm4sh direct" well with the character reveals. Well okay I voted for bayonetta but Corrin? kamui? or w/e it's name is? To many Fire Emblem characters like mario characters. In fact there are just to many swordsmen in sm4sh period.

If im not mistaken werent we promised one last veteran character in sm4sh with this last DLC wave? idk anymore...
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sleep schedule is slowly going insomnimania

i might be able to make some money soon hooray

... That was bad enough for a Youtube ban? For the entire channel? Really? should we blame the sjws again

Smash devs literally gave no shits about character polls.

In the end, it's Sackofrye's call, so put the blame on him. Character choices are entirely on him, be it him deciding a character won't make it or deciding that a certain character must make it.

bayonetta was also the highest voted character on average




Thighs are now prohibited.

99% of me does not care

1% of me is deeply saddened by how ridiculous of a censor that is

This isnt Mikas arse slap being angled out (some female wrestlers do this)

waw so wrestling has fan service

A girl with waaaay to much make up on

She dont even play games and thinks her "research" on females in games is 100% accurate

I like t' think she actually knows the atrocities she commits unto the gaming world and merely pretends t' believe her own dribble.

I guess that's acceptable... no it's ****ing not, buy the game and experience the strange phenomenon about sneaking around and saving the world

i would but i have no money to buy it

or buy a next gen console lol

Marth: Hey Ike, would you prefer [giftee's name] to open you or leave you stuck in that plastic cage?
Ike: Up + B
Marth: W-what?
Ike: Aether.
Marth: -facepalms, loud groan-


In relation to sm4sh news I'm a bit disappointed in the "last dedicated sm4sh direct" well with that character reveals. Well okay I voted for bayonetta but Corrin? kamui? or w/e it's name is? To many Fire Emblem characters like mario characters. In fact there are just to many swordsmen in sm4sh period.

If im not mistaken werent we promised one last veteran character in sm4sh with this last DLC wave? idk anymore.

I wouldn't really complain 'bout the swordsmen issue, purrsonally. 'Course, I'd prefer we get some new kinds'a weapons int' the fray (ephraim, hector, where are you), but in the end a character's playstyle isn't decided solely on their weapon. Link plays nothing like Marth who plays nothing like Ike who playing nothing like Meat Night who plays nothing like Robin etc. Obviously we have Lucina, but she's just an intentional clone... and Roy clearly came back solely from popular demand. Only thing that's kind'a lame is the shared aesthetic of a bladed weapon.

'Course, I won't blame ya for the Fire Emblem complaints. 'Specially if Corrin wasn't brought in due to popularity in Japan, in that case it's really just shameless advertising for the game outside'a Japan. 'Least he-she looks like an incredibly unique character.
Sorting ye shelving unit of jelly
One problem



BIg thing on the left is the VHS throne project that is getting thrown out due to lack of space

Links rubbing his balls on your sack
Steam has legitimately ****ed up. Going to your profile/account now takes you to a random steam users account, letting you see their email, last digits of their credit card, phone number, and some other stuff. I do hope I haven't been compromised.

Staying logged in to your account should be able to prevent others from being "logged in" to your own. Merry Christmas to you too Gabe.

THE STEAM GUARD. IT DOES NOTHING. Staying logged in does nothing. You can even land admin profiles!

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