Insomniacs assemble!!


This is normal for after 2am

First time for a few weeks, probably because on the last few Sundays ive stayed up to watch stuff.
Just going to say
The Dynamite headdy episodes of GaemCentre CX are awesome.
There is also some really funny bits.
Who would of thought that watching a 40 year old playing games would be so damn great?
I still need to get a Vita.

Finally started playing UMvC3 online. Can be one of the most frustrating things ever.

Got bored. Not participating in the Ace Attorney thing.
- This heat makes me want to live in a lake. And it's not even in the 80s yet...
- I need to chill the **** out 'bout the temperature. Badly.

Huh. My brain seems to shut down for the most part late at night...

learn2insomnia. I do intellermagent things when I'm half asleep. My hand-eye coordination, mathematical skills, and other such cognitive functions are cut in half, but for some reason I do smart things. Don't ask me how that makes sense, because I sure as **** don't understand it myself.

I shouldn't get a Vita.


My usual trollsome criticism aside, why do ya want a Vita anyways? Ain't got **** for games as of yet last I checked.
When I wake up at like 3 am and send a text, it's horrendous to read. It looks like a 3rd grader typed it. And that's a dumb third grader.
Killing a centipede = instant happiness

A bit of a gross spot on the carpet to clean up, but oh well, at least the demon's not alive anymore.

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