Insomniacs assemble!!

As a mere spectator, I've never considered all the heavy liftin' that goes into hostin' game events. Yeesh. Hope ya heal up perfectly fine.

ive moved some fuck those things are heavy



Two hours in the afternoon and four at night, then how ever long i want at weekend
Works great

Also the docter said what Googling it said.
Lower back pain.
Keep moving
take painkillers

Ah, the ol' "technological connectivity is disconnecting us" rant. Scapegoating the mentally unfit whom had vidya gaems as a trigger won't gain the favor of smart people, but that stupidity aside, it's not a foolhardy point.

Let's stop having coffee.

*closes video*
I think I must've mentally blocked that part off, I don't remember that ever being said.


Good. Someone clearly explaining what's the deal with net neutrality. dat ending though.
"The girls, both aged 12, have been charged as adults after allegedly luring a friend into a Waukesha, Wis., park and savagely stabbing her to please a mythological creature named Slender Man, which they learned about online, according to prosecutors."

And yes, we've already had news channels citing video games as the cause.
What cant they have controversy over good games?
Took this test, got True Neutral. I consider myself more of a Chaotic Neutral but idk for sure.

I woke up today with a gigantic headache, spent most of the day resting it off, eventually succeeded.
Chaotic Evil... huh. I usually get lawful evil in alignment tests. Even in SMT I end up lawful. Must've been the backstab options.
Well I got Neutral, then again that's sort of how I always seen myself and the main thought process behind it is a sort of "I do what I want" attitude.

I love it starts off with "Neutral characters do what they think is a good idea at the time". That sounds pretty damn accurate when it comes to me.