Insomniacs assemble!!


no ****ing wai

how does this even work

Apparently it's not a picture. I can scroll down and highlight text. It functions the same as WiiChat's legit Forum page.

... You see, 'Karpmod? Your computer is obviously not even close to the worst here.
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how does this even work

Apparently it's not a picture. I can scroll down and highlight text. It functions the same as WiiChat's legit Forum page.

... You see, 'Karpmod? Your computer is obviously not even close to the worst here.
I don't remember what it's called, but I recall it being an HTML feature that acts as a "window" to another webpage. I do not believe you can stick windows (put a window within a window), but I could be wrong.

Edit: Yeah, on second glance, that just seems to be a glitch. The thing I mentioned still exists, to my knowledge.
I don't remember what it's called, but I recall it being an HTML feature that acts as a "window" to another webpage. I do not believe you can stick windows (put a window within a window), but I could be wrong.

Edit: Yeah, on second glance, that just seems to be a glitch. The thing I mentioned still exists, to my knowledge.
I didn't do it on purpose though, it just happened. ;_;

nope.avi adblock
I'm pretty sure I had it for a while, but stuff like this has been cropping up only recently. It was only a couple days ago, when suddenly ads started popping up ****ing everywhere all over my web browser. I didn't have time to check for AdBlock until now, and I just re-downloaded it.

My computer still sux moar than yours.
Nevermind, those were jellybeans I was thinking of. It does look like a jellybean too. Never liked its look, but it's competent last I tried using it.
I've never heard much 'bout Azumarill in Gen 3 (rightly so since I know nothin' of Gen 3's competitive scene). Shame I didn't know it had Huge Power back then, I would've definitely used a Banded one in the Battle Frontier...
I've never heard much 'bout Azumarill in Gen 3 (rightly so since I know nothin' of Gen 3's competitive scene). Shame I didn't know it had Huge Power back then, I would've definitely used a Banded one in the Battle Frontier...
I didn't know either
Apparently it was Marill's signature ability in Gen III