Insomniacs assemble!!

^ Considering it's a legit competitive fighter that's only $10; unlike the DLC fests Capcom are throwing everywhere; damn right it is.

It does seem to be a great idea you being one troop in an army and when you die your dead.

There is a game mode or two that has respawns though (one of which is a sort of Capture the Objectives mode, IIRC). But yeah, that one life being oh-so precious is definitely a very interesting and humbling way to game.

Days Passed Away might be as dead as the zombies in it.


Killing the Borgia Captains is so tough for me but man when I actually get one, its satisfying as crap.

I usually sneak about and either Air Assasinate them or gun 'em down... Although yeah, in open combat (especially with other Papal Guards about) they definitely put up a fight. Though, if you get Revelations, wait until you fight groups of Janissaries... Those guys are ****in' nasty.

The horses are garbage though. Only good for long flat distances.

Only games I know of that did horses right are Red Dead Redemption, and Shadow of the Colossus...

Call of Duty would be so bad if Xbox didn't invent the "mute button" and "Party Chat"

... ... ... I never thought of that. DERP

​happy doomsteady friday!

Battle Royale Footage dropped today. Sweet tooth, Kratos, Sly, Parapa, Helghast trooper, and fat princess confirmed.

Sly vs. Kratos?

SIGN ME UP-- owait, i dont have no new sony console

I've got serious facial hair going on and it looks sexy as hell. Too bad I have to shave it for tomorrow. Damn you pointless military standards.


/never joining the military

Anyone else played any Skullgirls?

Enough to know it's damn-well legit.

... When you have a stick, unlike me. x_x
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  • #872
Skullgirls is going to have DLC fighters. in this day having a fighter with so few characters means it will get tiresome online
Thers a load of empty spaces on the char select screen
This is true.

But considering how long they already had to delay it to finish and balance out the current roster, I can't blame 'em. So long as it ain't nasty overpriced (I doubt it since the game itself is incredibly cheap as is; it's a selling point, I'd say), I can't say I'd mind it.
Caught some sort of cold. Headaches and insomnia are irritating. On the bright side, I managed to shark several people in trade servers.
Seems like the majority of folks here get insomnia. Heck, when I go to bed Im out like a light. How early do you guys got to bed anyway.

Gonna have to borrow Red Faction:Guerilla from my friend. Played the demo and it was legit.

Confusing Young Justice season 2 premiere was confusing.Still cool, but how do you fast forward 5 YEARS from last weeks episode.

E3s right around the corner. Cant wait!

Bout to sell TvsC, Monster Hunter Tri, and Lost planet 2.

This Spider-Man game is taking to long to release. Might just cave and buy Star Hawk.
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  • #876
Gonna have to borrow Red Faction:Guerilla from my friend. Played the demo and it was legit.
Its a bloody good game.
At no point while playing did I think it was shite
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  • #878
Join me in remembering my old TV.
It gave up a hour ago
- sushi omnomnomnomnomnom
- Free Gold XBL subscription will be running out in a few months... Oh, how sad I'll be to no longer have Red Dead multiplayer. Terribly so.
- I wouldn't reach 50th prestige on AC:Revelations unless I played five hours every day 'till then. So **** that goal.

when I go to bed Im out like a light.

Likewise. The problem is, it takes bloody ages for me to be tired enough to actually sleep...
Id get Zelda SS, but I dont feel like dishin out extra for the Motion plus. Maybe Windwaker?

Finally realizing that thing behind the man face in Prin- I mean DBloke's avatar is a parrot.
- Must of been glitching when the new Wiichat template was implemented or somethin', since it isn't exactly... difficult. :lol:

Id get Zelda SS, but I dont feel like dishin out extra for the Motion plus. Maybe Windwaker?

I'd say it's 100% worth it, but compared to how Wind Waker is probably $10~ and still awesome, ... yeah. SS ain't some revolutionary game oozing of sheer awesomeness (Groose aside... Groose aside), and fantastic of a game that it is. If your finances ain't happy with it, might as well wait on both the game and a used motion+ gettin' cheaper.
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Hey guys long time without a check in I'm fine and want to talk again :) what is new?
If you like sailing the seas looking for sunken treasure, then, by all means, Windwaker.
Also, I finally got Skyward Sword... kinda. My brother did. But I'll be hanging out with him over the summer, so I'll get to play it.

Did ya miss me?
Am I the only one that didn't really think too much of Skyward Sword? >_>

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