Insomniacs assemble!!

I still don't understand why anyone would be so tasteless as to avoid a game so popular, so highly rated among critics, and so bloody recommended by a raving fanboy of a friend.

I still don't understand why anyone would be so tasteless as to avoid a game so popular, so highly rated among critics, and so bloody recommended by a raving fanboy of a friend.

I think we all have that one game in particular thats highly esteemed by the masses that we just dont like.

For me, its Mass Effect. No matter how good a game is, someone will not like it.

Of course in this situation I dont think RockerJ hates RDR, it just isn't his cup of tea.

I tell ya this whole thing where I can ride a horse inside a city in Brotherhood saves so much time. Plus the banks just give you money.
Just found this. TF2 never ceases to amaze me.

Napoleonic Wars has CANNONS?! D:

Another reason why I lament my PC can't handle multiplayer-anything...
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It does seem to be a great idea you being one troop in an army and when you die your dead.

Broke my keyboard.
A mix of annoying parrot and email sending errors
Days Passed Away might be as dead as the zombies in it.

In other news, downloaded Resident Evil 4 and finally got to work on Assassins Creed Brotherhood. Rome is big.

Word has it I'm getting deployed to Afghanistan come fall this year.

If fall this year consists of being before Assassins Creed 3's and Aliens: Colonial Marines release I am going to be livid.

Playing RE4 on my PS3 made me remember how freaking shakey Leons hands are in the PS2/Gamecube versions. Makes me miss playing it on my Wii instead.

So I have Assassins Creed 3 preordered for the PS3, but I can change that to Wii U if I want, should I?

Wait, when is Wii U's release again? If I have to wait a little longer cause the console ain't out yet then screw that.

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