Insomniacs assemble!!

I just realized the two i in Serebii's banner are Pokeballs stuck t'gether to mimic an infinity symbol. Win.

I never understood why you're ashamed of being a weaboo, J.

I'm actually gettin' bored with the weeaboo jokes. Must be gettin' sick or somethin'...

Why would I join that ****?

44 veiwers of 24 hour parrot action yesterday and its still streaming
Causes and effects of something. Really, it's the beginning that stops me. Lack of creativity and such. Everything else is fairly stable since it's just stats and facts.
General subjects are always the hardest to start.

You could write how studying shadows inside a school can cause it to turn into a giant ass tower every night.
Devil's advocate, of course! Okay, I could start by explaining one side and then have a say at the other. From there, I can just say that I will provide evidence supporting my claims. Brilliant!

Also, it's the one year anniversary of Xenoblade in America!
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