Insomniacs assemble!!

Vaguely resembles Shadow of the Colossus in premise and Majora's Mask in gameplay, with an added affinity system. It's an excellent game, and the most unique of the 3 OR games.

>Tower climbing
>12 Masters

Sounds like Persona 3 to me.

In all seriousness, I've heard a lot of positive things about SotC and MM, so I'll probably check this game out.

Also, played a lot of the newest DmC game today. I really enjoy it. Not paying attention to the story or anything, but the combat feels really, really great.
And quite frankly, that's all I care 'bout. Much as I'll miss the corny ol' badass Dante of DMC3, but that's inconsequential.

Likewise. This Dante has some funny moments, but the story isn't very good.

But I feel awesome when I'm averaging "SS" for my Style Points each level. Every combo just flows into another combo so easily.
Oh... I sincerely hope they didn't tone down the difficulty, 'least not too much, both in dispatchin' enemies and gettin' epictacular combos. Wouldn't of enjoyed keepin' it stylish in DMC3 if t'was easy.
I wish I was good at that game ;_;

I don't have the time for it. Plus, online is crap and there is no local scene. The only other guys around here who play it I have to set my Handicap to two and purposely not guard. They're just... terrible.
there is no local scene.

I wouldn't know if I'm good at anything since I don't bother doing competitivenesesss. Except for that one time I turned elitist in MHTri.

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