Insomniacs assemble!!

Considerin' not banning someone is not doin' somethin', I don't believe I'll have many problems repayin' Nicky. Actually he might never be in line t' be banned, so... statement revoked.

This is fantastic.

I considered 'Karpin' up his signature with Mumkharp, but... nah.

Not yet anyways. :trollface:
Assassin is playing PERSONA?Weaboo alert.
The game's one plays does not determine such a thing. It's a variety of factors. You have been judged according to these, and a veredict was given. Then you admitted it and shall go on the road to recovery...... I feel fishy.
I feel fishy.


[strike]Eighteen days too early.[/strike]

mist da joke lawl

What are you guys talking ab-OH YOU'RE AN ASS. This shall not go unpunished!


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