Insomniacs assemble!!

This is why I should never trust my memory t' accurately recall an event which occurred over two weeks ago.
I think my problem is moreso laziness then forgetfulness.

I also have an issue with not being aware of important details, and defining certain things accurately. The later being shown right now. ._.
My memory is godlike in recordin' even the most mundane 'n unimportant details... I just never recall anythin' important when I actually need to. :lol:

'Course not, that wasn't the proper "order" in the first place, I just recalled it improper... Nick is the Fuschia City Guru. Could'a swore he wasn't though...
The Fishing Gurus

RockerJ - Silence Bridge Guru



[STRIKE]SSBfreakCK[/STRIKE] Splash King - Vermilion City Guru



Neosquid - Lake of Rage Guru

