Insomniacs assemble!!

Console > PC imo. More powerful system, but I just don't like it not being on a console.
PS3 is much better than 360. Less fanboys, except on COD, but everything must have a complete and utterly useless piece of poo, doesn't it?

I wouldn't say that.
The 360s online is much better. And I've had Live for 2 1/2 years, and still haven't spent the 300 dollars required to buy a PS3.

[strike]Not to mention 360 users didn't lose their credit card numbers[/strike]
Console > PC imo.

It really doesn't come down t' opinion for this topic, really. PCs are just downright-superior t' consoles. Higher graphics capabilities, modding is actually a thing, said modding doesn't require dangerous-to-console hackin', the same games for a cheaper price, infinitely less dubstep 360/PS3 fanboys, the list goes on 'n on. I ain't a PC gamer (one day... ... ...) and even I can see this.

You're certainly free t' prefer consoles, but PC gaming is a far more malleable experience. More bang for ya buck; even if you've a budget PC that would cost the same as the next Microsod or Sony console. Not t' mention a PC does a shitton more than a bloody console.

I'll back consoles once we have a WiiPS360 which will play every single game that'd be exclusive otherwise.
All game systems > being dedicated to one. IMO it is best to just have all the options available to you. If a game is released that I want, I buy it because I have the system to play it. Each has it's pros and cons. 360 has MUCH better online play. However, due to its popularity, a TON of online users are underage children screaming racial slurs. PS3 has some great exclusives and PS+ is amazing (I have like 10 games that I got for free just for being subscribed to PS+). However, it's library isn't anywhere near as great as the PS2's was. Wii/WiiU has all the great Nintendo classics and a great collection of fun party games to play with friends. However, there is not a ton of 3rd party support and it gets a lot of shovelware. PC, has cheap games, can be modded, great online system thanks to steam, and the graphics always have the possibility of being the best if you have a good GPU. However, a good rig can cost an arm and a leg. Being a fanboy to only one system is only hurting yourself or hating a system. Now, if a system only has one game you'd want to play, don't get it. It doesn't mean its a bad system; it just means the games don't appeal to you.
I only have a Wii because I don't really care about Xbox or PS3. It's not that I think they're bad consoles. If I had all three consoles I would have more games to enjoy, but it's not like I can buy every game in the first place. The Wii has plenty for me.
I only have a Wii because I don't really care about Xbox or PS3. It's not that I think they're bad consoles. If I had all three consoles I would have more games to enjoy, but it's not like I can buy every game in the first place. The Wii has plenty for me.
I only have a Wii because I only want a Wii.

I mean, what's the point of having a ton of consoles? Bragging?

... If you've the money.
Is it bad that I've never heard of these?

Since you're a youngin', I forgive ya for not knowin' of the masterpiece game that is Red Dead Redemption (t'is an M-rated game). As for Xenoblade, how ya've not ever noticed Assasin or Nick ever mentioning it is... suspicious. :lol:

Either way, aye, it's bad. Quite.


Way t' be a RockerJackass about it...

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