Insomniacs assemble!!

I told Doom that crystal lake is a poor vacation destination, but nope... 'Course he didn't listen.
I think he said he was taking a detour through Elm Street to get there too
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  • #621
If you dont think this picture is awesome BUGGER OFF!
bugger on!

ewww gross I know too much about what 'bugger' really means.....

nice day out here we flip over 18 celcuis in the spring woohoo! *smirk*
What Doomsteady did while he was gone:

-Played (and regretted) Lost Planet 2

-Turned 19 yrs old last friday (13th)

-Watched a crap ton of ATHF

-Saw Hunger games (yikes.....)

-Discovered when the world will come to an end (Kingdom Hearts 3 and Half Life 3 both release on that day.

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Kingdom Hearts 3 and Half Life 3 both release on that day.

For some reason, I feel as if it's wrong that I'm only interested in the former...


KH3 definitely does not have a bloody release date. The hell're you on 'bout Doom? Oh, and happy late birthday.
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The way us Brits use it is as a common socially exceptionable swear word

We got detached from britain out here and it means something non-consentual out here. Swear we talked about it before...


Finally unwinding here - strange that I pick on myself for not reading more or playing guitar enough. Life is for me (you) and I (you) should do what is fun for me (you). remember that xoxoxoxo ;)
Happy belated birthday Doomsteady!!

Picked up Halo Reach for a bit tonight. Forgot how fun that game is! Loooooove me so Halo.

May 25th needs to come faster... Can't wait to get out of this place.
For some reason, I feel as if it's wrong that I'm only interested in the former...

Yes. Very wrong.

Doomsteady said:
-Discovered when the world will come to an end (Kingdom Hearts 3 and Half Life 3 both release on that day.

Nope. Episode 3 probably hasn't even started devolopement yet. There may be a chance that on that day Gaben stops watching ponies and decides to start working on it.
So, neither Half Life 3 nor KH3 have specific release dates...

Where do ya get your news, Doom? :lol:

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