Insomniacs assemble!!

If I'm t' download games n' take advantage of that 10% back deal, aye. Wouldn't hurt to have a few hundred gigs lyin' around for use neither. T'is worth it, but it's all a pain in the arse. Not t' mention that discs last for long as you take good care of 'em; hard drives can just-plain go if they ain't of the best quality.

I could get AC:III shipped in within two weeks, or I could herpderp around with DOA HDDs (and any fees that come with; namely no shipping refunds) for a month. If not longer.
A concern of mine as well. A hard drive costs as much, if not more than a game... AC:III will hold me over via multiplayer for ages, but it'd be a damn shame if that's the only Wii U game I'll have for half a year. Or longer.
I like having the discs personally. Makes it easier to show off my collection (albeit however small it is. damn my younger self for selling all my old games and systems.)
Arkham City: Armored Edition
Scribblenauts Unlimited

and for the 3DS
Fire Emblem: Awakening and all it's DLCs
One book does no make a good library,

Unless its Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy

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