Insomniacs assemble!!

Not really, there other games have annoying DLC, Ridge racer Vita comes with three tracks and a handfull of cars(?) to get more tracks and that you have to buy them.

Soul Calibur 5 one DLC char, most annoying of all is his spot is visible and is right in the middle (ish)
[STRIKE]Never realized anyone cared about Dampierre or Ridge Racer.[/STRIKE] Better, not flawless.

Makes me wonder if Namco's influence will result in SSB4 havin' (good) DLC. I certainly hope so. It's a lot easier to defend a game as bein' a competitive fighter if patches can be made for glitches 'n broken characters, not that I'd expect Ninty to ever go that far with balancing...
No DLC is good DLC

Walked about 20 miles today to a hill in the distance was "fun"
Free DLC is also good

Rockstar's gonna gun ya down in a blaze of un-glory for that. If anyone's enough of a bigot to play RDR's Undead Nightmare DLC and claim it ain't worth the measly $10 price, whether they liked it or not, needs to stop wastin' space on this overcrowded earth 'n jump into a nuclear reactor.

Very rarely is paid DLC truly worth the price, but "rarely" ain't "always". ... Not that we wouldn't be better off without DLC as a whole in the first place, since epic DLC like Undead Nightmare would be released as an expansion t' be purchased and played separately anyways. 'Course, that's beside my point.
TF2 got an entire co-op mode 5 years after it was released. For free. It's still getting maps and new weapons constantly added.
DOOM on the other hand has been getting new content for 15+ years
But Doom was replaced by it's sequel only a year later. TF2 will remain without a successor until Valve learns to count to 3.

Mods for DOOM 2, Ultimate DOOM, Final DOOM, DOOM3