Insomniacs assemble!!

It's finished. Xenoblade is now the JRPG of this gen. Any competitors have quite a bit to go up against....... quite a bit indeed.
Why is it that the only things me and Assassin agree on are like ultimate Taboo in the Nintendo world?
The question that centuries of great thinkers have struggled to answer.

It's more info then we had on Giovanni, Maxie, Archie, Evice, etc. [noparse]:p[/noparse]

Which still wasn't anywhere close to enough.

There really needs to be more story on the villains other then "He's a bad guy go beat him down and sent him away to unknown local".

Exactly. Cyrus and Team Plasma were a step in the right direction for changin' that, particularly the latter (though Team Plasma as a whole is still the generic "bad team, go beat 'em just 'cause" plot device...).

Hoping that N will become a heavy story based character other then "He's the antagonist, go fight him repeatedly over and over."

... He already is a rather detailed 'n unique antagonist in BW1. Why the **** is everyone sayin' so much **** 'bout BW1? ._____.

Pokemon does not need complexity. Simple as that. If the game itself isn't complex, why should the story be?

'Course it doesn't, since it's aimed as children. It may not need it, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't make the game better. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon has even simpler and easier game play than the mainstary RPGs, yet it actually has an enjoyable story 'n such (Time/Dark/Sky in particular).
Hung out with the gf for the first time since she messed up her hair and cut it. I was expecting a train wreck, but, damn. That girl pulls off short hair surprisingly well.
Do you know what makes me FOSWA (Furious, Outraged, Sick With Anger)?

How when I send a VM, and I need to edit something in it, the forum smashes all the words into one ugly paragraph. I mean, why? It's so annoying. ;~;
I like my new font

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