Insomniacs assemble!!

Quick question, Assasin... Is there anything Magikarp related in TF2?

I would play just to wear a Magikarp hat. no srsly
There's a karp reskin for the Holy Mackerel, which displays an intentionally humiliating bold "FISH KILL!" text in the kill feed for everyone to see. With a name tag, you can also rename it to whatever suits you. That's all I know thus far.
Sounds brilliant. When I get a not-so-awful PC 'n probably get into TF2, I'll need to keep that in mind. :D
Sounds brilliant. When I get a not-so-awful PC 'n probably get into TF2, I'll need to keep that in mind. :D

Ahaha! CK's going to turn into one of those wee elitist people. Haha! Seriously though PC gaming is great, but it isn't a necessity.
Life changing news coming possibly............
Which is?
What, you're gettin' B2 and W2? I've considered it myself, but... ... ... I'm somewhat reluctant, honestly. Since I've already got BW1 'n all. What's got ya motivated to buy both?

Also, you should really get a Magikarp for your B2 challenge team. Trust me on this, bro. :D
I'm not entirely sure how it works, but if you beat one of the two versions, you get something that will let you do a Challenge Mode on the other version if you have it. I think....

That, and Wynaut? I might win one anyway from Bulbagarden.
^That sounds like a total waste of money. A "challenge mode"? Lol.

Pokemon =/= challenge.
> Assuming that said "challenge mode" isn't challenging

Or assuming that it wouldn't be fun, I don't know what you were implying.

I really hate the people I am forced to work with sometimes. Can't wait to get home for July 4th for a few days.

PS - If you ever have the chance to go to Jacksonville, North Carolina, do yourself a huge favor and don't.
- The weather sure is nice for the date nearin' July...

Ahaha! CK's going to turn into one of those wee elitist people. Haha! Seriously though PC gaming is great, but it isn't a necessity.

I would get into PC gaming for the exact same reason why I buy Ninty consoles/handhelds: the exclusives. Don't worry, I ain't ever gonna turn into a console-less elitist piece'a scum. :lol: Nintendo has left too big of an imprint on my gaming life to allow it.

ohai pyro

I have no fear for the Pyro, but holy god do I fear gettin' inside that insane bastard's mind... o_o;

^That sounds like a total waste of money. A "challenge mode"? Lol.

Pokemon =/= challenge.

There's also an easy mode; which is ****in' unnecessary, I'd say; but yeah, the "challenge mode" is just a bonus. You're not supposed to buy both versions and beat one to unlock said mode, though it can work like that if you're even moar of a Pokenerd than me. You're generally supposed to unlock it with a friend usin' this new feature, as well as a ton of other stuff.

But yeah, the Challenge Mode ain't all-that much tougher. Higher levels for all Pokes starting from just 1 and eventually reaching 5, important trainers (Gym Leaders, the E4, etc.) will have one extra Pokemon as well as their Pokemon having new movesets and even items, and probably other stuff that ain't known yet. It's still a good start though.
It's not even that much harder, ya bloody pussy. :lol:

... Hold on. If ya ain't one to enjoy a challenge, why the held did ya do a Combined Nuzlocke? ._.

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