In Need of Wii Suggestions (Brawl Delayed)

woot, guitar hero 3 for the win!

manhunt 2? october 31st! (were lucky enough to get this game, other countries dont, but some get teh ORIGINAL game that recieved an AO rating here in the states, netherlands i think)

oh yeah, i forgot i reserved GH3. nice!

im buying both of those on release, and im going to pass on galaxy, it just doesnt appeal to me and i dont understand why people are so psyched for ANOTHER mario Wii game.

im also buying BWii (not on release) and i WILL be buying Medal of honor on release.
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Resident Evil 4 is a must. Either get the GC version or the Wii version. If you have neither, this game is a must. There are also speed runs of the game which help a lot! A good combo is RE0(dirt cheap), RE1, RE4 for the GC. Get them all at once. Each game has infinite ammo once you master the requirements, and once you have it, the games get a lot more fun to replay. Umbrella Chronicles is now 2 player. Rail shooters usually suck, so wait on the reviews for that one. However Galaxy and Umbrella are starting to look like the games to get.
SensesFail said:
woot, guitar hero 3 for the win!

manhunt 2? october 31st! (were lucky enough to get this game, other countries dont, but some get teh ORIGINAL game that recieved an AO rating here in the states, netherlands i think)

oh yeah, i forgot i reserved GH3. nice!

im buying both of those on release, and im going to pass on galaxy, it just doesnt appeal to me and i dont understand why people are so psyched for ANOTHER mario Wii game.

im also buying BWii (not on release) and i WILL be buying Medal of honor on release.

well you see, when people buy a game and they like it, they tend to buy the sequels

and i don't know.....maybe cause everyone liked past mario games, that might pursuade them to buy it

plus this mario game looks kick-ass, way better than what sunshine looked
im probably going to get MOH. Galaxy im not sure, but knowing me i will read the great reviews and buy it. So hopefully MOH will be really good and hold me for a while....
i'm going to get basically everygame that was mentioned(cept rvsd and re4/uc, cause i don't like wrestling or zombie games respectively)

but if i had to choose one it would be smg, the game just looks epic as hell,
omg brawl is delayed that sucks man im so freakin pissed lol... >:|

I suggest warioware: Smooth Moves Because It's a game that does get boring after a while, But it never finishes, Good Value :sick:

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