Need suggestions for games


WiiChat Member
Feb 19, 2009
I would like suggestions for a 4 player simultaneous, co-operative, non-split screen, non-network/internet game that takes more than 30 seconds to complete.

an example of this type of game would be Gauntlet (which is not for wii)

any help finding such a game would be appreciated.
When Bubble Bobble Wiiware gets released that might fulfill your requirements.. .. .. .. but there's no firm date for that yet.
House of the Dead: Overkill

It has 2p co-op though
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When Bubble Bobble Wiiware gets released that might fulfill your requirements.. .. .. .. but there's no firm date for that yet.

all the previews don't look like they would be 4 players simultaneous. or if it was it would be crowded.
Well theres always Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Its not a party game though, its a fighting game. But from what I've seen, that game + 3 or 4 players = fun no matter who you are. I'd look into it.
I always thought Big Brain Academy was fun with a lot of people...especially if the drinks start flowing
I got hooked on We Love Golf! at a friends house and so I bought the game myself. It's a lot of fun with other people playing. I believe it has online capability, too.

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