Im on fiiiiyaaaaaa, seven times in a row!!!


WiiChat Member
Jul 11, 2011
Last night scored 1200+ xp SEVEN times in a row and then the last FIRE after my streak were from 800-900xp. I got got around 15k xp in like an hour and a half and some of the players I was playing again were actually pretty good. Keep in mind that I joined like 5 different games (meaning host would quit after and I would join a new one). The only mode I played on was heroes so as you can see Heroes is by far, the BEST mode for xp. Reason is because of the time and kill limit, you can get really long streaks, dominations, streak blocks, Hero kills and more! Lastly I would like to say I was not leveling any weapon for Bonus xp It was all legit skill. I don't even know what came over me, it was just like I was unstoppable.

Played against some level 56's with my new level 1 ( Whopped up on them just by picking up their high level weapons LOL. anyway has anybody ever have a night like I have? AMAZING night for me!
That's what you call getting into the groove :). With some practice, getting over 1000 XP can be a common occurance. That's how it is with me, my skills, and my trusty Ivana.
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That's what you call getting into the groove :). With some practice, getting over 1000 XP can be a common occurance. That's how it is with me, my skills, and my trusty Ivana.

I want the ivana and gambit sooooo bad! I could just---> :mad2:
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I think, I got like 2790 or somewhere around there, was playing against 4 level 1-10 and I got on a 25 kill streak in heroes but I finished 70-3. I only died when they all ganged up on me. I was like oh S*** that is alot of AK-47's XD. this was with no proficiency's as well.
you guys are making me cry.... :frown5:

ive twice got over 1000 points.... and one of them was with a 600 points boost lol (other WAS legit tho).

16 kill streak on goldeneye got me that one.
i admit to being resonably ok at this game (translated: pants compared to you guys) but if i get scores of over 600 constanly.... im like "oooooo, im a god!"
I had 3 in a row that I got around 1400. the last one my wii froze. 3691.jpg


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I had 3 in a row that I got around 1400. the last one my wii froze.View attachment 8744

I swear my wii freezes up on me when i was doin good, got a 32-1 on hero mode with bond(idk why but i do very good with weapons that has bad recoil) then the freeze lord comes in on my wii and strikes down terrible freeziness. It always happens when i get over 3k exp.
I swear my wii freezes up on me when i was doin good, got a 32-1 on hero mode with bond(idk why but i do very good with weapons that has bad recoil) then the freeze lord comes in on my wii and strikes down terrible freeziness. It always happens when i get over 3k exp.
Give me some of your 3k xp skill, my best is 1900 lol.
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@GodninjaGod didn't like that you were taking his place by adding ninja in your name :/
highest ive gottenso far was 1020
These days I almost never get above 1000. its always 400-995. I have no weapons that can give me proficiencies really, unless I try to get 200 kills with sigmus,torka,ak or pavlov. I need 3 more shoot the mine kills and thats it.
i got over 2000xp 4 times in a row. and before that i was getting just above 1500xp. i felt like i could take on anyone in goldeneye lol. btw, i know i can't. just a figure of speech. but, yeah. it was so exsilerating for me. :D :D :)

^^^^legit btw except for 2 of my 1st games. (had a 100xp boost and another 100xp boost)^^^^ :D
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Taking whos place lol. I was always a ninja before goldeneye came out.

lolz my bad!

I ment god didn't like that you were taking his place by pwning XD.

It's a dead joke now F*** It -.- LOL